After, following the instructions and I receive the following FATAL ERROR after enabling this plugin.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Phile\Exception' with message 'the plugin file 'MOD:phileParserMarkdownExtraExtended/plugin.php' not exists' in /Users/bz/Desktop/philetest/lib/Phile/Core.php:121 Stack trace: #0 /Users/bz/Desktop/philetest/lib/Phile/Core.php(53): Phile\Core->initPlugins() #1 /Users/bz/Desktop/philetest/index.php(23): Phile\Core->__construct() #2 {main} thrown in /Users/bz/Desktop/philetest/lib/Phile/Core.php on line 121
After, following the instructions and I receive the following FATAL ERROR after enabling this plugin.