PhilipK / BoilR

Synchronize games from other platforms into your Steam library
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BoilR can't find games when installed from flatpak #343

Open Obspogon opened 1 year ago

Obspogon commented 1 year ago

I have tried every combination of itch folder path. Tested on Steam Deck, local version of BoilR.

Aisuko commented 1 year ago

May you give me more detail about the environmental information? e.g: Steam OS version BoilR version


rreed commented 1 year ago

For whatever it's worth, I have the same issue. I'll try to give more information. For background, I followed this article on Itch for installing Itch itself, but it's pretty trivial.

By default, it seems like BoilR is looking in /home/deck/.config for Itch apps. There's nothing there that's Itch related:

(deck@golem ~)$ ls ~/.config | grep itch
(1)(deck@golem ~)$

Itch, instead, is over in /home/deck/.var/app/io.itch.itch/, which, okay cool, I'll just point BoilR there, and I know that the db it expects exists:

(1)(deck@golem ~)$ ls -al /home/deck/.var/app/io.itch.itch/config/itch/db
total 724
drwxr-xr-x  2 deck deck   4096 Mar 25 20:07 .
drwx------ 13 deck deck   4096 Jun 24 09:15 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 deck deck   4096 Mar 25 20:07 butler.db
-rw-r--r--  1 deck deck  32768 Jun 24 09:16 butler.db-shm
-rw-r--r--  1 deck deck 696312 Jun 24 09:16 butler.db-wal

So I do that: image

And then: image

I'm on BoilR 1.7.21 and on "whatever SteamOS version is current as of today". It looks like 1.8.0 is out, so I'll try updating to that first to see if it fixes the problem. (It does not, nor does the Flatpak importer for Itch work, but I'll play around with it more later.)

Hopefully this gives something to investigate for others too. :)

Edit: the itch importer "just works" in 1.9, using the non-Flatpak version, in case that helps anyone (though this is a bug about Flatpak specifically, I thought I'd leave the context here for other passers-by)

Obspogon commented 10 months ago

boilr flatpak can't see the itch flatpak folder by default. use flatseal to give it permission to see the itch flatpak

katherinehackworth commented 1 month ago

boilr flatpak can't see the itch flatpak folder by default. use flatseal to give it permission to see the itch flatpak

Do you add it as a persistent folder, or as a filesystem subset, or what?