PhilipK / BoilR

Synchronize games from other platforms into your Steam library
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New cli options to use lutris service_games #365

Closed culain-45124 closed 10 months ago

culain-45124 commented 10 months ago

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I had the same desire to see all my games in Steam, mostly so I could use deckroulette on them. Lutris seemed like an easy linux based option, so I submitted a pull request to add a new CLI option to Lutris that would extract all of a users games, whether they're installed or not.

It uses a different table in Lutris so the fields returned are slightly different, but the same -o and -j arguments still work. I've prepared this pull request in case you're interested in adopting the new CLI option, though given the changes if you are interested it might be best to wait until they next put out a release.

List of changes:

Please let me know what you think, or if you'd like any changes made.

I was also considering a change to the Shortcut object in to add a field for service like GOG or EGS to help distinguish if you have the same game across multiple services in Lutris/Playnite etc. It could be set to the name of the platform for single service platforms and be shown next to the game title in BoilR.

PhilipK commented 10 months ago

Very cool! Good job!

I don't see any problems with the code, and it looks like tests will parse as well. I think this might as well get merged, and then when Lutris releases the feature BoilR will release a new features shortly after as well. Will you ping me, if you see that they released it?