Philipp15b / go-steam

Steam's protocol in Go to allow automation of different actions on the Steam network without running an actual Steam client. Includes APIs for friends, chatting, trading, trade offers and TF2 crafting.
392 stars 132 forks source link

Last commit was in June, is this no longer being maintained or? #63

Closed PanicIsReal closed 8 years ago

PanicIsReal commented 8 years ago

There is 9 valid pull requests, no commits have been sent in since June, and it doesn't seem anybody replies to any issues here anymore. Is this dead?

Philipp15b commented 8 years ago

This project was dead for a while, yes. Because I do not actively use go-steam myself anymore, I did not really keep up with Steam updates and, being busy, did not find the time to adequately respond to really useful input, both pull requests and issues.

I will however go through the active issues and pull requests in the next few days and will attempt to update go-steam. I'll try to keep maintaining go-steam more diligently (and much more frequently) in the future. Thank you for your help!