PhilippC / keepass2android

Password manager app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] TOTP not working when field TimeOtp-Secret-Base32 added by official Keepass 2 Windows App #2591

Open jsbiff opened 2 months ago

jsbiff commented 2 months ago


Describe the bug you encountered:

I added a comment on a closed previously existing question issue, but I'm convinced this is a bug, since this documentation in github specifies that this functionality should work, and yet it DOES NOT work in either the release or beta channel versions of KP2A in the Google Play store. Since the previous question was closed, and this functionality is broken, I figured it was correct to open a new bug issue.

So, when I use KP2A to open the entry which has TOTP setup in Keepass 2 for Windows, I see a new field, TimeOtp-Secret-Base32, but I don't see the actual field to display/copy the generated OTP for logins.

Describe what you expected to happen:

A field to show up in the entry that I added OTP to, to allow to view/copy generated OTP.

What version of Keepass2Android are you using?

1.10-pre (installed via Play Store)

Which version of Android are you on?

14 (Android Security Update April 5, 2024)

jsbiff commented 2 months ago

Just a note to add that I checked for updates in Play, but it said all my apps were up to date, so 1.10-pre appears to be the most recent version available in Play.

louisjdmartin commented 2 months ago

In my side I have installed the latest APK from Github Releases and it works as expexted ! You have TOTP in entry details or a dedicated page with all TOTP codes

jsbiff commented 1 month ago

So it sounds like this is just pending a new release to be pushed to the Play store.