PhilippC / keepass2android

Password manager app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Copy text from notes field, does not copy TAB correctly #2596

Closed Offerel closed 1 month ago

Offerel commented 1 month ago


Describe the bug you encountered:

In entry, i have stored some useful information in the notes field with KeePass 2.55. If there is a TAB between 2 words, this tab is not displayed correctly in KP2A. Instead of displaying the TAB, the 2 words seems to be so close together, that it become one word.

When i now copy this text via clipboard and paste it somewhere else in Android, the pasted string appears again as one word. But in reality there is still a TAB character between the words. This leads to numerous incorrect entries.

Describe what you expected to happen:

In Wirklichkeit befindet sich aber immer noch ein TAB-Zeichen zwischen den Wörtern. Dies führt zu zahlreichen Fehleingaben.

What version of Keepass2Android are you using?


Which version of Android are you on?


Offerel commented 1 month ago

Small corrected update: paste the string does sometimes paste the tab characters correctly. I have tried a text editor where the tab character was inserted correctly. Maybe this depends on the field type.

Anyway, it would be really helpful to have the string displayed correctly with a monospace font.

PhilippC commented 1 month ago

I don't think there is a definition on how "wide" a tab should be. I rely on Android to display it.