PhilippC / keepass2android

Password manager app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.57k stars 377 forks source link

[QUESTION] Potential Security Risk with AutoOpen URLs Containing Cleartext Credentials? #2608

Open DennisK90 opened 1 month ago

DennisK90 commented 1 month ago

Version: 1.10-pre

I am using Keepass2Android and generally find it very useful. However, I have a concern regarding the AutoOpen feature. When I create a child database and link it via WebDAV, the AutoOpen entry in the parent database contains the URL to the child database with the username and password in cleartext.

Does the presence of cleartext credentials in the URL pose a security risk when Keepass2Android establishes the connection to the child database? Specifically, I am worried about potential vulnerabilities during the transmission or storage of these credentials.

Thanks for any Help!