PhilippC / keepass2android

Password manager app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.57k stars 377 forks source link

[FEAT] Option for "Tap to Copy", please! #2612

Open itsmetoolala opened 2 weeks ago

itsmetoolala commented 2 weeks ago

Hello! This is a great app! I love it!

But unfortunately I am bothered since many years by the lack of a function that allows you to copy the email address or password quickly and easily with a "tap", just like in the 2fas Auth app or many other apps.

If the author does not want this (for whatever reason???), then PLEASE at least add this option as a choice so that you can activate or deactivate it in the settings.

It would save sooo much rethinking in this day and age.

Thank you for this great app. I will happily continue to use it and would be very happy to make a donation if this option existed.

Sincerely, itsmetoolala