PhilippC / keepass2android

Password manager app for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.57k stars 377 forks source link

pdf-file not downloadable[BUG] #2613

Open JackoKu opened 2 weeks ago

JackoKu commented 2 weeks ago


Describe the bug you encountered:

I have been using your app for a very long time and have not noticed any weaknesses so far. It's actually a very good app. On vacation, however, I wanted to look at an important pdf file that is stored in the database. Unfortunately, this was not possible. All 3 options offered to me in the app do not work. I receive a file as a download with the Android browser that cannot be read by Word, for example, although I can read all the other pdf files that I have saved elsewhere.

Then I tried to save the file to Dropbox. Problem: I didn't want to log in with Google, but with my own access data. But this is not possible, because at that moment I can no longer access the database with your app. Writing down the password beforehand is not a solution for me, as I often use 60-digit passwords. The only solution would be for me to be able to open a second instance of your app.

Describe what you expected to happen:

1) Easy download of pdf files stored in Keepass. 2) Possibility of using a second instance of your program

What version of Keepass2Android are you using?


Which version of Android are you on?

Androidversion 14