PhilippChr / CONVEX

Code for our CIKM 2019 paper. As far as we know, CONVEX is the first unsupervised method for conversational question answering over knowledge graphs. A demo and our benchmark (and more) can be found at
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what is 'qualifiers'? #24

Closed lihuiliullh closed 2 years ago

lihuiliullh commented 2 years ago

May I know what is qualifiers? Can you give an example of it?


PhilippChr commented 2 years ago

Qualifiers are used in Wikidata (similar concepts exist in other KGs), and extend the standard triple structure to store contextual information on a fact, like the date in time, the character of a cast member, a series ordinal and similar.

"A fact is a <subject, predicate, object> triple, that is optionally augmented by <qualifier predicate, qualifier object> pairs which specify context information for the main triple. For example, <2018 FIFA World Cup Final, participating team, France national football team; location, Luzhniki Stadium; point in time, 15 July 2018> is such a fact, where the first three items constitute the main triple, and the last four make up two qualifier predicate-qualifier object tuples." (from

lihuiliullh commented 2 years ago
