PhilipsHue / flutter_reactive_ble

Flutter library that handles BLE operations for multiple devices.
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iOS connectToDevice() after finding device ID fails with PlatformException #845

Open alexpriceuk opened 5 months ago

alexpriceuk commented 5 months ago

All permissions are enabled, I do the following as per documentation

await _flutterReactiveBle
        .scanForDevices(withServices: services)
        .timeout(Duration(seconds: scanTimeoutDurationSeconds))
        .firstWhere((device) {
      _deviceId =;
      debugPrint('device discovered: $device');

      return true;
    }).onError((error, stackTrace) {
      debugPrint('error: $error');
      debugPrint('stackTrace: $stackTrace');
      _bleConnectionState.value = BleConnectionStatus.disconnected;
      throw BleBikeNotFoundException();

    _connectionStateStream = _flutterReactiveBle
      id: _deviceId!,
        .listen((update) {
      onError: (Object e) => {
            debugPrint('Connecting to device $_deviceId resulted in error $e'),
            throw BleConnectionError(),

The logs from this are as follows:

device discovered: DiscoveredDevice(id: E390E5E7-EC0B-37B9-3F26-27068C768EB7, name: imx8mmea-ucom, serviceData: {}, serviceUuids: [a25478a0-c922-11ee-9603-d3a9796f3cfa], manufacturerData: [], rssi: -56, connectable: Connectable.available)

Connecting to device E390E5E7-EC0B-37B9-3F26-27068C768EB7 resulted in error PlatformException(reactive_ble_mobile.Central.(unknown context at $105b88464).Failure:2, The operation couldn’t be completed. (reactive_ble_mobile.Central.(unknown context at $105b88464).Failure error 2.), {}, null)

I'm running on latest iOS 17.3.1 on iPhone 13 mini I've added and enabled all permissions

Can anybody offer any advice?

alexpriceuk commented 4 months ago

After much headache I found a similar issue where the package would throw the same error while using discoverServices() (now deprecated).

For some reason I have to use a delay between connecting and subscribing