PhillipBen / myapplication

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Troubleshoot: Login Auth #6

Closed wollmancsp closed 1 month ago

wollmancsp commented 1 month ago

As a Concordia engineer I would like to be able to login to the application. When the application is spun up, it says you are able to login using admin:admin and user:user as credentials for username:password. This is not the case. This ticket represents the work to troubleshoot the issue and remedy.

PhillipBen commented 1 month ago

Dustin has been able to initially get the admin/user base accounts running. I can second that. We are currently having differences in connecting with the MySQL database though. Dustin got his to login with the application-dev.yml via the following:

datasource: type: com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/myapplication?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&useSSL=false&useLegacyDatetimeCode=false&createDatabaseIfNotExist=true username: root password: toor hikari: poolName: Hikari auto-commit: false data-source-properties: cachePrepStmts: true prepStmtCacheSize: 250 prepStmtCacheSqlLimit: 2048 useServerPrepStmts: true

I on the other hand, was not able to get it logged in even after matching database url info & user/pass. I tried adding to the pom file, as was discussed in online discussion boards, but it didn't change anything. My current solution was just to set the MySQL password to null. This 'works', but should eventually be fixed.

PhillipBen commented 1 month ago

Today I also worked on new user registration. I created an email account for the application, and put in the credentials into the application-dev.yml file. However, Gmail doesn't like 3rd party applications accessing the account, so I had to 2 factor verify it and create an application password that JHipster could use. Now it works, and users can authenticate themselves by putting in a password. JHipster will pass the registration email through the proxy email to the user, then when the user clicks the link they will be authenticated, allowing for a full login to the system.

PhillipBen commented 1 month ago

Since this has been accomplished, I am closing this.