Phoenix616 / Snap

Experimental tool to run BungeeCord plugins on Velocity
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
115 stars 10 forks source link

MySQL driver errors #36

Open Sylensky opened 2 years ago

Sylensky commented 2 years ago

Used Version

snap 1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 27)


    # configurate-hocon
    # The stats/metrics ID of this proxy, ideally the same as in the velocity.toml
    "stats-id" : "a6103779-beef-49f5-a4d3-8eff2900246b",
    # configurate-hocon
    # Whether to throw exceptions when accessing methods that aren't supported
    # Setting this to false makes them return sensible values but they might not be correct
    "throw-unsupported-exception" : true

Environment description

Velocity 3.1.2-SNAPSHOT (git-5ee96606-b136) Debian Linux

Full Log


What other programs/plugins are you running?

are shown in the log.

What is happening?

snap tries to load the plugins and some, especially with mysql databases faile due to missing library in snap? - I am not sure what happens there. Furthermore its not possible to join the server velocity links to.

What did you expect to happen?

To be able to join the server and see no logs.

Phoenix616 commented 2 years ago

As far as I can tell all plugins that have an issue there natively support Velocity and all of them wouldn't work with Snap anyways without the MySQL driver error.

Of course there might indeed be some issue with the MySQL driver here. (Interestingly some plugins like AdvancedBan seem to load the driver just fine)

Sylensky commented 2 years ago

By looking further i found out i dont need luckperms/skinsrestorer/warpsystem/geyser to be loaded by snap as they can be run directly from velocity. As far as i checked dynamicbungeeauth doesnt support velocity.

Phoenix616 commented 2 years ago

Well DynamicBungeeAuth would most likely not work with Snap anyways even without the MySQL error, I suggest asking the author for a native Velocity build.

JosTheDude commented 2 years ago

Having the same issue with PremiumVanish on SNAP, since it does not have Velocity Support Just won't load HikariCP to connect to the database at all

Phoenix616 commented 2 years ago

Having the same issue with PremiumVanish on SNAP, since it does not have Velocity Support Just won't load HikariCP to connect to the database at all

Please provide the log in your case.