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add 'phonetic' / 'phonological' options to other modules #169

Open kchall opened 12 months ago

kchall commented 12 months ago

Currently, only the location module allows a user to specify if the module instance is being used phonetically or phonologically. All other modules should similarly allow these options. This probably means we should also slightly change the wording on the location module so that it can be re-used across all modules:

Movement module Orientation module Hand configuration module Relation module Non-manual module

In each of these, we should have two basic options:

[ ] Phonological [ ] Phonetic

In the location module only, we have two sub-choices under 'phonological' for 'major' and 'minor':

kchall commented 12 months ago

(We might also want to consider whether the summary window could be specified to display only phonological or only phonetic codings....)

kvesik commented 8 months ago

@kchall in the Location Module there was a nice cozy spot for this information to fit in under the timing window. image

However, that's not the case for all the other modules necessarily. Would it be ok to put it up in the top section, in between Hand selection (if applicable) and the Module Notes button? Or is there a different spot you'd prefer? image

kchall commented 8 months ago

@kvesik Yes, I think it's reasonable to put it up there adjacent to the hand selection. Just, we should then also move that in the location module as well for consistency's sake. Thanks!

kvesik commented 4 days ago

This will involve adding options to the ModuleSelectionDialog class (specifically ModuleSelectionDialog.arts_and_addedinfo_layout), as well as moving them out of LocationSpecificationPanel.create_loctype_phonloc_layout().

It will also require changes to: