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consider an openid-client #38

Open Phorum opened 13 years ago

Phorum commented 13 years ago

livejournals idea of a distributed client-login. we'll see how far they are by the time of phorum-5.2 and how much work it'll be to implement it.

Reported by: ts77 Imported from TRAC:

Phorum commented 13 years ago

just for reference, there is (at least) one class available to implement the openid-specs in php there are surely more which could be used.

By: ts77

Phorum commented 13 years ago

New homepage of the project: []

By: Oliver Riesen

Phorum commented 13 years ago

You can see the php openid implementation at

By: anonymous

Phorum commented 13 years ago

That's a php'''BB''' implementation.

By: damnian

Phorum commented 13 years ago

Hi Obviously I'm a newbie here. I found this site through google search and I found this forum interesting so I drop by. Thanks for welcoming me in advance!

By: celiaonegirl