Photon-HDF5 / photon-hdf5

Photon-HDF5 Reference Documentation
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Future: Handling a monitor channel #15

Closed tritemio closed 7 years ago

tritemio commented 9 years ago


Some measurement have one or more extra detection channels used to monitor the laser power. Currently these extra timestamps are saved in the same timestamps array. The array detectors contains a different ID (a number) for each detetctor and allow to separate them out.

In the future these monitor channels can be present in a multi-spot setup. In this case is not natural having the monitor timestamps in one of the spot-specific photon_data groups.

Finally some measurements have bogous (spurious) channels (very low in count) that should be ignored.

Question 1

Should we "warn" the user that the file contains those extra photons? Or we should just provide as "best practice" guideline telling the user to always check which unique values are in detectors?

Question 2

How do we handle the multi-spot case?

Question 3

/setup/num_pixels should include also the monitor-channel detectors or only the emission-channel ones?

tritemio commented 9 years ago

Answer Q1 & Q2

Option 1


Use the labels table in /photon_data/measurements_spec/detectors_specs/

The table can read something like

Detector ID Label
0 donor
1 acceptor
2 monitor total excitation power
3 spurious timestamps due to acquisition artifacts

By looking at this table the user immediately know if there are "extra" channels and what they are.


Use a user (custom) photon_data group that contains only monitor channels. One (or two) additional measurement_specs can be created to handle the case of 1 (or 2) monitor channels.

Option 2

Use a user (custom) photon_data group for both single and multi-spot.

Option 3

Add variation of each measurement_type by adding _plus_monitor. Each of these variations should handle both 1 and 2 monitor channel cases.

The multi-spot case can be handled via a custom photon_data group.

smXplorer commented 8 years ago

Option 3 seems preferable.

tritemio commented 7 years ago

In 0.5 we have channel labels and number of counts per detector. See #33.

I mark this issue solved for the purpose of v0.5. Discussion can be resumed in the future if needed.