Phreak87 / ESPeensy-and-Peensy-Payload-Generator-ESP8266-Teensy-3.5-

Build your own Bad USB Stick for pentesting with wifi and dip switches
MIT License
44 stars 23 forks source link

Future feature #2

Open hofi-jus opened 6 years ago

hofi-jus commented 6 years ago

As I understand your project right, it is a combination of malduino and esp pentest with ability to remote shell. I found this some days ago, maybe you can implement in our project.

Other big advantages would be:

I. Upload scripts to sd card via esp.

II. Extract wlan and auto connect to it. (M$ only) 1.teensy cmd: netsh wlan show profiles 2.teensy pipe output to sc card 3.esp read sd card wifi profil 4.esp connect to strongest wifi with credentials from sd.

It would only need a handshake between esp and teensy who is master for spi.

Let me know if this is completely rubbish.

Phreak87 commented 6 years ago

This Project was designed as a rubberducky clone over wifi. since i have no more time for this project i cannot implement the usb storage function - sorry. my last information is that teensy 3.5 doesnt support usb feature (Version 2 does).

Upload Files to SD-Card is planned in the Webinterface but communication to teensy over serial is not implemented yet - maybe you can help ??

for the included scripts you can use the Visual Basic.Net generator application an convert a commandline to C-Code for Teensy and flash via arduino

the wifi ideas are good and communication via spi or serial are really great ideas! if time comes back i will give it a try and commit a new version