Phreak87 / LeptonicaSharp

Full featured wrapper for leptonica 1.77.0
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System.AccessViolationException during pixOrientDetect #65

Closed CanadianHusky closed 4 years ago

CanadianHusky commented 4 years ago


The following minimalistic code, inspired from this C++ version ( crashes at the marked line and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. The goal is to do orientation detection as fast as possible Is anyone kind enough to provide an opinion what could be done ? I am using the 64 bit version LeptonicaSharp-master\LIB_LEPT\X64\leptonica-1.77.0.dll and the wrapper seems to load the native DLL fine. Thank you veru much

An unhandled exception of type 'System.AccessViolationException' occurred in Unknown Module. Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.

        Dim mypix As New LeptonicaSharp.Pix("c:\temp\input.png")
        Dim upconf1(), leftconf1() As Single
        Dim fpixs As Pix = _AllFunctions.pixConvertTo1(mypix, 130)
        fpixs.Display() 'Display on screen is OK. Thresholding worked fine

        _AllFunctions.pixOrientDetect(fpixs, 1, upconf1, leftconf1, Enumerations.DebugOnOff.DebugOff) 

Phreak87 commented 4 years ago

Upconf1 and leftconf is not an array ... Dim upconf1, leftconf1 As Single

Additionally move the Parameters in the right Order:

    _AllFunctions.pixOrientDetect(fpixs, upconf1, leftconf1, 1, Enumerations.DebugOnOff.DebugOff)

Please try and Close this issue

CanadianHusky commented 4 years ago

There seems to be some sort of confusion with the wrapper library, or there are other versions floating around. the package from this link is version When linked in a Project, it creates the following image

with this wrapper _All does not exist in the Leptonica Namespace, but _AllFunctions exists instead

I have now compiled the wrapper from the source using the repo at and indeed the behaviour is different Observation: The old library has very detailed (helpful) xml documentation during intellisense. The new one does not.

I converted the 2 parameters to single data type and adjusted the parameter order the way the wrapper requires them. The test project does not compile without those correct data types anyways.

Now I am able to execute the code correctly and some non-zero values for upconf1, leftconf1 are returned without an error.

However a new problem arises - the expected result is not happening.

    Dim pix1 As New Pix("c:\temp\cimg_BR-90.png")
    Dim fpixs As Pix = _All.pixConvertTo1(pix1, 130)
    Dim upconf1, leftconf1 As Single
    Dim pix2 As Pix = _All.pixOrientCorrect(fpixs, 0, 0, upconf1, leftconf1, 0)

There are no debugger or code errors anymore, however this test image is not rotated correctly as expected

Is there anything that can be done about that ? Thank you for the prompt response. The amount of work in the wrapper is impressive. Well done.


Phreak87 commented 4 years ago

Thank you,

the function works fine. i think your image have to less usable information to rotate. try it with other pictures (e.g. normal book page) and it will work as expected.

Phreak87 commented 4 years ago

Oh and ... Use the Library you Compiled ... The nuget is not up- to-date