PhrozenIO / PowerRemoteDesktop

Remote Desktop entirely coded in PowerShell.
Apache License 2.0
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Problems after the target host is remote desktop #20

Open AClatter opened 2 years ago

AClatter commented 2 years ago

Problems after the target host is remote desktop Dear Developer Hello! It's a pleasure to try your open source project, I have some problems after using it, here is my advice:

  1. The target host uses Microsoft's remote desktop connection. After the link is disconnected, the target host enters the lock screen interface. At this time, the PowerRemoteDesktop_Viewer interface enters a black screen, and the interface cannot be reactivated.
  2. After this situation occurs, you cannot enter the target host desktop after restarting the connection in powershell.
  3. I have tried to set the host login mode to automatic login, but I still cannot bypass this scenario.

Additional Issues: Frame Delay and File Delivery Can the screen lag be improved? (I tried reducing ImageCompressionQuality to 30%, still lag) Can file transfer be done through the clipboard? Looking forward to your reply, thank you! (maybe there is something semantically wrong because I used a translator)

DarkCoderSc commented 2 years ago


Thank you for your feedback

  1. Lock Screen Issue

This is a known and expected behavior, since the project is ment to use only PowerShell code and not rely on external application / services it will be very difficult to support "Secure Desktop" / Winlogon capture.

To do so, you need to create dedicated system service running on another desktop (winlogon desktop) and stream this desktop.

I can't yet guarantee at 100% that it is not possible in pure PowerShell since I did not tried yet but following my existing knowledge it is likely not possible (to be confirmed).

If my initial feeling is confirmed, I will probably offer as an option an extra plugin to attach to Winlogon in a near future.

Until that moment, what I can offer is to propose a new option to next version, this option will while the server is running temporarily disable UAC prompt and Lock Screen.

  1. Frame Delay

This is the next big feature to be available in coming version.

Actually the whole screen is sent thus slowing the streaming process considerably.

I will add a motion update mode which will only send pieces of screen that changed thus improving considerably the streaming speed. Stay tune for this improvement in a next release.

  1. Clipboard File

I'm planing to add a such feature in a future release too, first I want to focus on streaming speed through motion update.



matador333iqp commented 2 years ago

End files

DarkCoderSc commented 2 years ago

End files

What do you mean?

DarkCoderSc commented 2 years ago

UPDATE: after some tests and research I finally found a way to capture secure desktop (UAC Prompt, Logon etc...) without the need to use an external app or dll but just from PowerShell with certain conditions I can control and respect.

I will work on it tomorrow and try to push something very shortly .

I will adapt my PowerRemoteDesktop_LogonUI to PowerShell

wf-soft commented 2 years ago

@DarkCoderSc That's great. I'm also troubled by this problem. If I'm in powerremote desktop_ It would be better to specify a common screen resolution for everyone on the server

DarkCoderSc commented 2 years ago

Additional Issues: Frame Delay and File Delivery Can the screen lag be improved? (I tried reducing ImageCompressionQuality to 30%, still lag)

Hello, the v3.0 was just released.

It would be cool if you could leave a feedback about the new performance.

better or worse

Thank you in advance