Phrynohyas / eve-o-preview

An EVE client window switcher tool created to aid playing with multiple clients in CCP game EVE Online
MIT License
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Resizing Issue After Extended Use #205

Open ZaxLofful opened 2 years ago

ZaxLofful commented 2 years ago

I have an issue where after hours of use one of the windows will not "shrink" anymore. I use two monitors, but this also would happen on just one. This same issue happens if I leave Eve-O open, but close all my eve clients and then reopen them at a later date (but I left Eve-o running the whole time).

It only happens to one of the clients, but once it happens there is no way to fix that client without closing everything down again.

What happens:

I have the feature turns on where when you hover over the window it gets bigger, which is very useful. Eventually, when not viewing that client (because I have the other option to turn off window of active client); it is permanently at the "large" size and never shrink back.

I have the resize option set to grow quite big because I use it for peeking, but when this bug happens its so big I cannot see the other screens because it takes up the whole screen.

This is a seemingly random occurrence, so I don't have a screenshot; but as soon as it happens again I will get one.

My theory is that because I have my resize set so big, sometimes the windows overlap and so this window because of an overlap thinks I am hovering over it somehow...That is just my two cents; honestly have no real idea.