Phylliade / ikpy

An Inverse Kinematics library aiming performance and modularity
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Fix regularization_parameter #118

Closed 01halibut closed 2 years ago

01halibut commented 2 years ago

Switch from first_active_joint slicing to active_from_full() method was not propagated to regularization parameter code

Phylliade commented 2 years ago

Hello @01halibut,

Thanks for the PR!

I'm not sure to get why the first_active_joint slicing is not working?

01halibut commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure why the switch was made originally either (probably to allow for inactive joints in the middle/end of the kinematic chain), but as far as I can tell the rest of has been switched over. There's a bunch of commented out code, and chain doesn't even have a first_active_joint parameter anymore.

Phylliade commented 2 years ago

Alright, i get it! Thanks!