Open AndreV2890 opened 6 years ago
There shouldn't be an issue in theory, but for some reason when I tried to compile it as a dll I got really strange errors, that's why I had to build it as a static library. Let me know if you manage to get a dll working.
To do that, in theory you would just change all of the
Runtime Library to Multi-threaded
in the readme into
Runtime Library to Multi-threaded DLL
Right click on ___ project -> Properties -> General: change Target Extension to .lib and Configuration Type to Static Library (.lib)
Right click on ___ project -> Properties -> General: change Target Extension to .dll and Configuration Type to Dynamic Library (.dll)
and then otherwise follow my tutorial as normal.
Unfortunately I failed to compile as dll for unknow strange reason. By the way in the readme you talk about 64bit compiler, If I have to compile as 32 bit is there any issue?
as long as you make sure to compile everything as 32 bit, no you should be fine
is there any issue to compile as dll instead of static library? and in case, can i follow the readme file as it is?