PiCode9560 / Godot-4-Concave-Mesh-Slicer

MIT License
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Occasional cross-section surface omissions #2

Open 545ebcf0 opened 1 year ago

545ebcf0 commented 1 year ago

First off, thanks for your work on this. Apart from this issue, it works great.

While I did notice that this issue is actually mentioned inside of your README.md, I was wondering if this is something that could theoretically be fixed. Also, I was wondering if you could provide any insights into why this might be happening, so that others (including me) could try to start working on, and hopefully ultimately contribute, a remedy.

if your mesh is too complicated, the cross-section surface sometimes not created.

Note: it also happens with meshes that do not appear to be overly complex (e.g. cleanly sliced box chunks).

Any background details, etc, would be highly appreciated!

PiCode9560 commented 1 year ago

I am not actually sure what is the problem. I will try to fix it.

PiCode9560 commented 6 months ago

@Wadlo and I added comments to the code. So if anyone want to try to figure out the problem, it's easier now.

If the comments are not clear enough, let me know, and I will try to improve it.