PiLab-CAU / ComputerVision-2401

Computer Vision Course 2024-01
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[lecture10][0610] questions about hidden layer notation #39

Closed yewonkim01 closed 1 day ago

yewonkim01 commented 3 weeks ago


I have a question about the notation in Fully Connected Layer slide, on page 6 of lecture 10. I think the notation "# hidden layer" should be "# hidden units" or "# hidden neurons", because we are calculating the dimensions within a layer. Is my opinion correct? Or, do we use the two notations interchangeably?

yjyoo3312 commented 2 weeks ago

@yewonkim01 Thank you for commenting the typo:) Yepp, the term "# hidden units" or "# hidden neurons" is right. I will revise it.