When using the sliding window approach, the program refresh with every change in the boxes and then freezes for the time it needs to calculate. this even can lead to inifite loops with a crash. Especially on larger datasets ~2 GB.
In addition some checkboxes do not counter-check or are fully functional when combining techniques.
I would suggest a refactoring.
While for the "Image Aggregation" part a direct refresh is very nice, for Normalizaiton, its actualy not.
So i guess we should design it in a way that all values are set and then afterwards (probably through a button) everything is calculated / refreshed
When using the sliding window approach, the program refresh with every change in the boxes and then freezes for the time it needs to calculate. this even can lead to inifite loops with a crash. Especially on larger datasets ~2 GB.
In addition some checkboxes do not counter-check or are fully functional when combining techniques.
I would suggest a refactoring. While for the "Image Aggregation" part a direct refresh is very nice, for Normalizaiton, its actualy not. So i guess we should design it in a way that all values are set and then afterwards (probably through a button) everything is calculated / refreshed