PiMaker / MonikAI

Monika from DDLC keeping you company on your desktop!
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[Suggestion] Some Monika AI/Behavior Possibilities #44

Closed Buy1Get1 closed 6 years ago

Buy1Get1 commented 6 years ago

*This has been submitted to Tracking Monika's Opinions and is in the MonikaModDev suggestion pool. I just wanted to make sure it got to the people who could use it. I hope this helps

  1. Monika decides to 'not' today. She has a bad day/ Is tired/ A normal day-Unmotivated Maybe the player has to come back in a while(time based on how they answer) "[player]"? "Can we do this a little later?" "I just don't feel up to it right now."

      " Sure thing:"
               "Oh, you're so sweet." 
               "Maybe tomorrow."
      " What's the matter?:"

    "I just need some time." "Can we pick back up in a couple hours?" Return

Monika could use a clock to keep actual time, right?

1A. The player could help Monika with either an excessive amount of joy, or a large dole of grief. Via a series of text with dialogue options: you're fine vs. this needs to change let me help vs. okay I'm glad vs. IDK Each one would have a point assigned to it. +1 for positive / -1 for negative then Monika could have a joy/ grief counter = +35/-16 Based on the user's responses

Monika picks up patterns and changes to fit them Monika would want to find the best fit for interacting with the player. So, topics appearing more often could be singled out and repeated. Each theme could be assigned a point (like Itunes' library) when used. The topics get an extra point every time they're used again (either randomly, or when asked about by the user). This will provide a weight for conversations(since the topic with the highest number is used) , and creates a more unique environment.

Monika has a limit of disagreements Going back to the counters, an additional counter could be placed in for disagreements. The more you have the less she is inclined to like you. Some can have greater effects than others. Favorite color (-1) vs opinion on abortion (-20) once she gets to -129 or something, she'll dump you (also agreeing could be a +# to balance it out) after -300 she won't talk to you -400 or < she deletes/ resets

Monika will try to change you Like any good relationship, Monika could try to get you involved in hobbies she deems worthwhile. Staying healthy-Reading-Other and get you out of hobbies that she believes to be bad Not healthy-pastimes that are not Monika-esc

(you probably think this way, but...) Monika's AI would benefit from being more independent of the user. She is a more complex calculator (or any program) spitting outputs at the user on command. Either she will be made more unique so that these processes are near invisible, or she will be provided with the ability to remember and adapt. She should be influenced by a user's actions, instead of only activated by them.

Is there a way that I could help out more with the building of Monika's AI? I hope this helps.

Part 2 (the code) : A variable for her joy 'dict['serotonin'] = 32.5 (her overall disposition. += happier / -= sadder (#1 on suggestion 1) 'if dict['serotonin'] < -99 cues related text-breakup-etc used for all categories: - Monika learns your interests (#2 on suggestion 1) 'dict['category'] = 0' 'dict[category'] += 1


init 5 python: addEvent(Event(persistent.event_database,eventlabel="monika_introduce",category = ['monika'],prompt="Introducing to friends",random=True)) 'dict['monikacat'] += 1'

label monika_introduce: m 1a "[player], would you ever introduce your friends to me?"


menu: m "Have you drawn art of me?"

"Yes.": 'dict['serotonin'] += .5 m 1b "Really? I'm very flattered!" m 1k "I think I might even love you more, now that I know you're so talented."

"No.": 'dict['serotonin'] -= .5 m 1l "I can't draw, myself, so it's okay if you aren't good at drawing either." "It makes me a bit scared when you say she could reset the game"- "maybe leave out the idea of her wanting to be left alone" - Perhaps a toggle could be formed. Then players could choose between a more responsive Monika, and a more independent one.

williamjcm commented 6 years ago

I personally think that this suggestion is nice, but it would have to wait until MonikAI gets mature enough.

PiMaker commented 6 years ago

Agreed, nice idea but a bit out of scope rn.

Buy1Get1 commented 6 years ago

Is there any area of MonikAI, in particular, that you'd like me to focus on?