A PHP library for accessing the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi.
MIT License
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Numbered release #37

Open Sam-Burns opened 3 years ago

Sam-Burns commented 3 years ago

I suggest we do a new numbered release sometime soon, along with the changes to the language version requirements. @svpernova09 have you got admin access to the Packagist package btw?

Perhaps it would be a good idea to introduce some PHP7 typehinting, before we do that. It would be a BC breaking change, but we could release the library at version 1.0.0 after this and any other pending changes.


svpernova09 commented 3 years ago

So we're already tagged with the recent changes I did last week-ish https://github.com/PiPHP/GPIO/releases/tag/0.2.2

I went with https://0ver.org/ over traditional semantic versioning since the only previous releases were development.

svpernova09 commented 3 years ago

And looking at tags, there are several tags that didn't have GH releases attached to it. So we may need to bump up to 0.4.x to get past them.

svpernova09 commented 3 years ago

I'm about to tag 0.4.0 against master. This pulls our version higher than previously tagged versions. I missed the fact we have tagged versions that aren't GH releases so my starting versioning was too low.