PiSCSI allows a Raspberry Pi to function as emulated SCSI devices (hard disk, CD-ROM, and others) for vintage SCSI-based computers and devices. This is a fork of the RaSCSI project by GIMONS.
Similar to how we're generating HFS ISO images on the fly, another neat feature for Mac users would be an on-demand AppleTalk file and printer server running on the same Pi. Configuration / monitoring UI could be done in rascsi-web and/or easyinstall, aligning with the daynaport network bridge setup on the same system. Some starting points:
Similar to how we're generating HFS ISO images on the fly, another neat feature for Mac users would be an on-demand AppleTalk file and printer server running on the same Pi. Configuration / monitoring UI could be done in rascsi-web and/or easyinstall, aligning with the daynaport network bridge setup on the same system. Some starting points: