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Installing epd on Raspberry Pi (Ubuntu 20.04 server) #219

Open Jct9000 opened 3 years ago

Jct9000 commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to install epd on a Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu 20.04 server. I this make command and coming up with this error. Please help.

sudo make rpi EPD_IO=epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION='V231_G2' make DESTDIR="" PREFIX=/usr SERVICE=systemd PLATFORM=../RaspberryPi PANEL_VERSION="V231_G2" EPD_IO="epd_io.h" -C PlatformWithOS/driver-common make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/papirus/gratis/PlatformWithOS/driver-common' cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -lfuse -pthread -lrt -L/opt/vc/lib -lbcm_host -o "gpio_test" gpio_test.o gpio.o /usr/bin/ld: gpio.o: in function GPIO_setup': gpio.c:(.text+0xc): undefined reference tobcm_host_get_peripheral_address' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: [Makefile:127: gpio_test] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/papirus/gratis/PlatformWithOS/driver-common' make: [Makefile:84: rpi] Error 2

tvoverbeek commented 3 years ago

It seems it cannot find libbcm_host.so which contains the bcm_host_get_peripheral_address function. On Raspberry Pi OS this library is in /opt/vc/lib. You have to find out where it is located on Ubuntu 20.04 server and change the -L/opt/vc/lib -lbcm_host in the Makefile accordingly.

Jct9000 commented 3 years ago

I found the lib in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu and changed it in the Makefile. I'm still getting an error. The Ubuntu 20.04 version is 64 bit. Is that causing the error? Do I have to reinstall the 32 bit OS version?

sudo make rpi EPD_IO=epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION='V231_G2' make DESTDIR="" PREFIX=/usr SERVICE=systemd PLATFORM=../RaspberryPi PANEL_VERSION="V231_G2" EPD_IO="epd_io.h" -C PlatformWithOS/driver-common make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/papirus/gratis/PlatformWithOS/driver-common' cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -lfuse -pthread -lrt -L/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu -lbcm_host -o "gpio_test" gpio_test.o gpio.o /usr/bin/ld: gpio.o: in function GPIO_setup': gpio.c:(.text+0xc): undefined reference tobcm_host_get_peripheral_address' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: [Makefile:127: gpio_test] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/papirus/gratis/PlatformWithOS/driver-common' make: [Makefile:84: rpi] Error 2

tvoverbeek commented 3 years ago

It still does not find the function. Can you check if it is in the library? nm /usr/lib/aarch6464-linux-gnu/libbcmhost.so | grep bcm_host_get_peripheral_address Does /opt/vc/include exist?

Jct9000 commented 3 years ago

nm /usr/lib/aarch6464-linux-gnu/libbcmhost.so | grep bcm_host_get_peripheral_address nm: '/usr/lib/aarch6464-linux-gnu/libbcmhost.so': No such file

... and /opt/lib/include does exist. It is linked to /usr/include (vc -> /usr).

tvoverbeek commented 3 years ago

I am guessing you are using either a Pi 3B(+) or Pi 4B (since you are on a 64-bit OS). Since bcm_host_get_peripheral_address() seems not to be available in Ubuntu 20.04, change line 246 in gpio.c from base_address = bcm_host_get_peripheral_address(); to: base_address = 0x3F000000 for Pi 3B(+) base_address = 0xFE000000 for Pi 4B

See also https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/hardware/raspberrypi/peripheral_addresses.md

Jct9000 commented 2 years ago

I had to put this project down for a few months but I'm back to see if it can be resurrected. I have reinstalled Ubuntu 20.04 server (32 bit .. this time) and tried to install the Papirus software. I followed your instructions above and got a little further .... I think.

This is error message I'm getting after updating the base_address to 0x3F000000 and running the make command:

make rpi EPD_IO=epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION='V231_G2' make DESTDIR="" PREFIX=/usr SERVICE=systemd PLATFORM=../RaspberryPi PANEL_VERSION="V231_G2" EPD_IO="epd_io.h" -C PlatformWithOS/driver-common make[1]: Entering directory '/tmp/papirus/gratis/PlatformWithOS/driver-common' cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -c -o gpio_test.o gpio_test.c cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -c -o gpio.o ../RaspberryPi/gpio.c cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -lfuse -pthread -lrt -L/opt/vc/lib -lbcm_host -o "gpio_test" gpio_test.o gpio.o cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -c -o epd_test.o epd_test.c cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -c -o spi.o spi.c cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -c -o epd.o V231_G2/epd.c cc -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -I/usr/include/fuse -Wall -Werror -std=gnu99 -I../RaspberryPi -IV231_G2 -I/opt/vc/include -I. -DEPD_IO='"epd_io.h"' -lfuse -pthread -lrt -L/opt/vc/lib -lbcm_host -o "epd_test" epd_test.o gpio.o spi.o epd.o /usr/bin/ld: epd.o: in function EPD_create': epd.c:(.text+0x32): undefined reference totimer_create' /usr/bin/ld: epd.o: in function frame_fixed_repeat': epd.c:(.text+0xe20): undefined reference totimer_settime' /usr/bin/ld: epd.c:(.text+0xe50): undefined reference to timer_gettime' /usr/bin/ld: epd.o: in functionframe_data_repeat': epd.c:(.text+0xf24): undefined reference to timer_settime' /usr/bin/ld: epd.c:(.text+0xf54): undefined reference totimer_gettime' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: [Makefile:132: epd_test] Error 1 make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/papirus/gratis/PlatformWithOS/driver-common' make: [Makefile:84: rpi] Error 2

tvoverbeek commented 2 years ago

You have undefined references to timer_create, timer_settime and timer_gettime. These are POSIX timer functions. Normally they should be enabled, but Ubuntu can configure the kernel without support for POSIX timers. See http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man2/timer_create.2.html for some details. In short: find out where these functions are located.