PiSupply / Pi-Supply-Switch

Pi Supply Switch On/Off Switch for Raspberry Pi
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Start and Stop work. Shutdown does not #14

Open matt-benett opened 5 years ago

matt-benett commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have 1.1 on a RPi 3 B+. Latest version of Retropi. All updated.

Start works - when on Pi Supply LED is on. Hard Stop works - when off Pi Supply LED is off.

My issues is: Soft shutdown does nothing on the Pi or the screen output. The Pi Supply it turns the LED off/on when I press it. It does not even kill power after 2 minutes.

piswitch service is running.

I am plugged into Pin 7 and 11.

Any ideas please? thanks

tvoverbeek commented 5 years ago

@matt-benett Are you using any GPIO based controllers with Retropie? Looking at https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/GPIO-Modules It seems some of those modules use pins 7 and 11 which will interfere with the piswitch service.

matt-benett commented 5 years ago

@matt-benett Are you using any GPIO based controllers with Retropie? Looking at https://github.com/RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup/wiki/GPIO-Modules It seems some of those modules use pins 7 and 11 which will interfere with the piswitch service.

no, using USB controller

tvoverbeek commented 5 years ago

@matt-benett Do you have wiringpi installed? If not install it with sudo apt-get install wiringpi. Then please provide the output of gpio readall The interesting items are the ones for physical pins 7 and 11

matt-benett commented 5 years ago



Image to preserve formatting

tvoverbeek commented 5 years ago

RPi GPIO pins 7 (BCM 4) and 11 (BCM17) have the correct state and level. you wrote earlier the piswitch service is running. What is the output from systemctl status piswitch.service? Double check the connections from Pi-Switch pins 7 and 8 to RPI GPIO pins 7 and 11 respectively. See the assembly guide (I guess you did this already). To get a soft shutdown the press the soft button less than 2 seconds (again, I guess you know this). Note the warning in the assembly guide about Pi3B and 3B+.

matt-benett commented 5 years ago


I am looking at the new and old pin images, and they look the same to me. Am I missing something?



I will check output of systemctl status piswitch.service tonight, but I recall it looking all ok.

shawaj commented 5 years ago

The options as shown in the two pictures here are pins 2 and 6 or pins 7 and 11 - https://learn.pi-supply.com/pi-supply-switch-v1-1-assembly-instructions/

But with the Pin 7 / 11 you need the software running on the pi for it to work correctly

LDDill commented 4 years ago

Hi @tvoverbeek @shawaj I am having the same issue as @matt-benett. The ON and Off buttons work but not the Soft Off button. Show below is what I get when I run "systemctl status piswitch.service". Any suggestions?

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ systemctl status piswitch.service ● piswitch.service - Starts softshut for Pi Switch Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/piswitch.service; enabled; vendor preset: Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2020-01-31 16:57:53 CST; 13min a Process: 348 ExecStart=/opt/piswitch/softshut.py (code=exited, status=1/FAILUR Main PID: 348 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jan 31 16:57:52 raspberrypi systemd[1]: Started Starts softshut for Pi Switch. Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi softshut.py[348]: Traceback (most recent call last): Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi softshut.py[348]: File "/opt/piswitch/softshut.py" Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi softshut.py[348]: GPIO.wait_for_edge(PinSeven, G Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi softshut.py[348]: RuntimeError: Error waiting for ed Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi systemd[1]: piswitch.service: Main process exited, c Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi systemd[1]: piswitch.service: Unit entered failed st Jan 31 16:57:53 raspberrypi systemd[1]: piswitch.service: Failed with result 'ex lines 1-14/14 (END)


Velocity2018 commented 4 years ago

Did you remember to edit the Python script to change the pin numbers?

LDDill commented 4 years ago

@Velocity2018 I opened the code to edit it, but it appeared to already be correct.

GNU nano 2.7.4 File: /opt/piswitch/softshut.py

!/usr/bin/env python

Import the modules to send commands to the system and access GPIO pins from subprocess import call import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from time import sleep

Map pin seven and eight on the Pi Switch PCB to chosen pins on the Raspberry Pi header The PCB numbering is a legacy with the original design of the board PinSeven = 7 PinEight = 11 GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Set pin numbering to board numbering GPIO.setup(PinSeven, GPIO.IN) # Set up PinSeven as an input GPIO.setup(PinEight, GPIO.OUT, initial=1) # Setup PinEight as output

while (GPIO.input(PinSeven) == False): # While button not pressed GPIO.wait_for_edge(PinSeven, GPIO.RISING) # Wait for a rising edge on PinSeven sleep(0.1); # Sleep 100ms to avoid triggering a shutdown when a spike occured

sleep(2); # Sleep 2s to distinguish a long press from a short press

if (GPIO.input(PinSeven) == False): GPIO.output(PinEight,0) # Bring down PinEight so that the capacitor can discharge and remove power to the Pi call('poweroff', shell=False) # Initiate OS Poweroff else: call('reboot', shell=False) # Initiate OS Reboot

Is there something I need to edit in this file?
