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Issues with Recurring Wakeup #1084

Open alexjtanner opened 3 weeks ago

alexjtanner commented 3 weeks ago

I'm new to using the PiJuice Zero and am trying to get it to wake up the Pi Zero and run a program every day at 0300 UTC. I've been having some issues. Right now, it wakes up the Pi Zero at the correct time, but the program does not run. When I boot up the Pi manually, it works, but when it is booted up by the PiJuice, the program doesn't run. The I2C-1 address is 14, the I2C-2 address is 68, and the EEPROM address is 52.

I'm using cron to start it, using @reboot /usr/bin/python3 /home/thebeetles/Documents/wakeup_run.py

Here's the code itself:

# This script is started at reboot by cron

from picamera2 import Picamera2, Preview
import time
from gpiozero import LED
from pijuice import PiJuice
import os

# Since the start is very early in the boot sequence we wait for the i2c-1 device
while not os.path.exists('/dev/i2c-1'):

pijuice = PiJuice(1, 0x14)


vis = LED(17)
#visible LEDs controlled by pin 17
uv = LED(27)
#UV LEDs controlled by pin 27

picam2 = Picamera2()
camera_config = picam2.create_still_configuration()
#the camera uses the default configuration for still images
picam2.options["quality"] = 95
#jpeg quality set to maximum

os.system("sudo mv /home/pi/Pictures/* /media/pi/USBdrive1")
#move the contents of Pictures to the usb
print("photos moved")

for i in range(60):
    #UVs are always on while this program runs. 
    #use appropriate safety measures for UV light.
    #brief delay for flash to turn on
    directory = "/home/pi/Pictures/"
    title =  directory + time.strftime('%b%d%H%M%S%Z') + ".jpg"
    #name the picture after the time its taken
    #picture is taken
    #flash stays on for a bit
    #the approximate time it should take between pictures


os.system("sudo mv /home/pi/Pictures/* /media/pi/USBdrive1")
#move the contents of Pictures to the usb again
print("photos moved")

os.system("sudo umount /dev/sda")
#unmount the usb drive

#remove 5V power to Pi after 60 seconds

os.system("sudo halt")
#Shut down the Pi