PiSupply / RAK811-Arduino

Arduino Library for Pi Supply LoRa Node Shield
MIT License
7 stars 7 forks source link

Still block on the loop : "You init OTAA parameter is OK!" #11

Open Valneltin opened 3 years ago

Valneltin commented 3 years ago

Hi !

I buy a arduino LoRa shield on Pi Supply and I try to use this librairy. I'm new on the "LoRa" device ^^. So I used the exemple SetBaudrate and then I try to use the JoinNetworkOTAA but it seems to be block into a loop.

I've changed the AppEUI, DevEUI and AppKey of course with the values of my TTN application.

When I launch the code, I have on the serial :

StartUP Reset Success OK2.0.3.0 OKEU868 You init OTAA parameter is OK! You init OTAA parameter is OK! You init OTAA parameter is OK! You init OTAA parameter is OK! You init OTAA parameter is OK!

So it seems to be block into the bool InitLoRaWAN(void)

Do you have an idea ?

Thanks for you help.

meal commented 2 years ago

+1 to this, I have the same issue