Piasy / AndroidTDDBootStrap

A bootstrap project for TDD Android.
MIT License
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How to rename application namespace #2

Open heralight opened 9 years ago

heralight commented 9 years ago

Hi!! Great job! I had begin to test your bootstrap, but now, I want to rename your bootstrap to my target application name and namespace. Have you a tool like https://github.com/AndroidBootstrap/android-bootstrap-site/blob/master/routes/generate.js or something like yeoman generator ?

Thank you,


Piasy commented 9 years ago

@heralight Sorry that there is no such a tool now, I hope I could make it later. I think a gradle plugin that could remake the namespace with little configuration maybe helpful, and if you are interested in it, your contribution is welcome!

SandNerd commented 8 years ago

A better way to go about it might be to

I'm thinking about this not to make this into a gradle library but more to enable tracking changes and updates to the base. Now it can only be done by looking at git diffs :(

Btw, I have to add that I truly admire your work and prefer it much over so-called frameworks which require you to re-learn/do/invent most things. I think this is the right way to go, and possibly it becomes a modular framework in the future built on the great works of inner parts and making them work together.

Piasy commented 8 years ago

@sahal2080 Nice comment! I think your way sounds very good. But several things need to be done:

Piasy commented 8 years ago

@sahal2080 Hi, after months of delay, finally I have finished the refactor of this project, now the so called architecture code, base classes, best practices are moved into the base module, and all business(github) related code are in model and app module.

@heralight I think we could create an Idea plugin that change the namespace of business related code, and further more, an Idea plugin that could generate MVP boilerplate code.

SandNerd commented 8 years ago

@Piasy I see you updated all dependencies too, great work :+1:

I actually wanted to contribute and help myself here but this bootstrap problem have been haunting me for long I went on a journey researching all current Android RAD tools and frameworks. I of course included your project since it's still one of my favorites :smile: : http://andyonwheels.github.io/Android-Native-Frameworks-Review/

Tbh, your project specifically made me think that there might be a solution for these scattered efforts. I'm now trying to gauge developers' interest in having/building something on a bigger scale through this survey . I'd be thrilled if you can take a look at it and more so if you can leave any email there so I can privately share with you how AndroidTDDBootStrap can be the basis of something bigger.

Piasy commented 8 years ago

@sahal2080 Sounds great! My email is xz4215@gmail.com, waiting for your sharing :)