PickNikRobotics / deep_grasp_demo

Deep learning for grasp detection within MoveIt.
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Planning Failed for the GPD Demo #5

Open FabianSchuetze opened 3 years ago

FabianSchuetze commented 3 years ago

First of all: Thank you for this wonderful repo!

When I run the gpd_demo as roslaunch moveit_task_constructor_gpd gpd_demo.launch with the default settings, the robot unfortunately does not move and the node terminates in error with:[ERROR] [1613054924.196602715]: Planning failed. This happens after grasps have been generated. The error is thrown by the node mtc_tutorial and the the logging location is ws_grasp/src/deep_grasp_demo/deep_grasp_task/src/deep_pick_place_task.cpp:DeepPickPlaceTask::plan:445.

I have increased the number of sampled samples (num_samples=500) and the number of selected grasps (num_selected =500) in the gpd_config.yaml file to make sure that enough grasps are sampled. While the runtime of the node increased dramatically, planning still failed.

Does anybody know why the planning might have failed? Is there anything I can do for the program to run well. I am grateful for any hints or suggestions!

FabianSchuetze commented 3 years ago

I figured that this issue is basically a duplicate of another issue at moveit_task_constructor. Should there maybe be a warning in the readme file of this repo?

casiarobot commented 2 years ago

That happened to me, too. But I use my 6 dofs arm. gpd works fine, but plan failed. Modify the camera.yaml fix it.