PickNikRobotics / deep_grasp_demo

Deep learning for grasp detection within MoveIt.
102 stars 52 forks source link

Runtime error in moveit_task_constructor_gpd_demo #7

Closed gurnarok closed 3 years ago

gurnarok commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am currently trying to get a demo working, using Elfin 5 robot arm, with schunk gripper.

When I try to start the demo, it goes through the motions of generating the grasp data, but gives this in the end

roslaunch moveit_task_constructor_gpd gpd_demo.launch
... logging to /home/gurnarok/.ros/log/58d9f2f4-74f7-11eb-81f2-509a4c51286d/roslaunch-Phobos-22184.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://Phobos:35023/


 * /grasp_cloud_detection/action_name: generate_grasps
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/frame_id: world
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/load_cloud: True
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/path_to_gpd_config: /home/gurnarok/ro...
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/path_to_pcd_file: /home/gurnarok/ro...
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/trans_base_cam: [0.0, -0.25, 0.04...
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/trans_cam_opt: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0...
 * /grasp_cloud_detection/view_point: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
 * /mtc_tutorial/action_name: generate_grasps
 * /mtc_tutorial/approach_object_max_dist: 0.15
 * /mtc_tutorial/approach_object_min_dist: 0.01
 * /mtc_tutorial/arm_group_name: elfin_arm
 * /mtc_tutorial/arm_home_pose: grab_picture
 * /mtc_tutorial/camera_mesh_file: package://deep_gr...
 * /mtc_tutorial/camera_name: camera
 * /mtc_tutorial/camera_pose: [0.5, 0, 0.7, 0, ...
 * /mtc_tutorial/camera_reference_frame: world
 * /mtc_tutorial/eef_name: schunk_gripper
 * /mtc_tutorial/execute: True
 * /mtc_tutorial/grasp_frame_transform: [0.1, 0.0, 0.16, ...
 * /mtc_tutorial/hand_close_pose: closed_gripper
 * /mtc_tutorial/hand_frame: elfin_end_link
 * /mtc_tutorial/hand_group_name: schunk_gripper
 * /mtc_tutorial/hand_open_pose: open_gripper
 * /mtc_tutorial/lift_object_max_dist: 0.1
 * /mtc_tutorial/lift_object_min_dist: 0.01
 * /mtc_tutorial/max_solutions: 10
 * /mtc_tutorial/object_dimensions: [0.25, 0.01]
 * /mtc_tutorial/object_name: object
 * /mtc_tutorial/object_pose: [0.5, -0.25, 0.0,...
 * /mtc_tutorial/object_reference_frame: world
 * /mtc_tutorial/place_pose: [0.6, -0.15, 0, 0...
 * /mtc_tutorial/place_surface_offset: 0.0001
 * /mtc_tutorial/spawn_camera: False
 * /mtc_tutorial/spawn_mesh: False
 * /mtc_tutorial/spawn_table: True
 * /mtc_tutorial/surface_link: table
 * /mtc_tutorial/table_dimensions: [0.4, 0.5, 0.1]
 * /mtc_tutorial/table_name: table
 * /mtc_tutorial/table_pose: [0.5, -0.25, 0, 0...
 * /mtc_tutorial/table_reference_frame: world
 * /mtc_tutorial/world_frame: world
 * /rosdistro: melodic
 * /rosversion: 1.14.10

    grasp_cloud_detection (moveit_task_constructor_gpd/grasp_cloud_detection)
    mtc_tutorial (deep_grasp_task/deep_grasp_demo)


process[mtc_tutorial-1]: started with pid [22213]
process[grasp_cloud_detection-2]: started with pid [22215]
[ INFO] [1613989694.584452411]: Init deep_grasp_demo
[ INFO] [1613989694.698505893]: Starting grasp_cloud_detection
[ INFO] [1613989694.709096704]: Loading grasp action server parameters
extension: pcd
Loaded point cloud with 11570 points 
============ HAND GEOMETRY ======================
finger_width: 0.01
hand_outer_diameter: 0.12
hand_depth: 0.06
hand_height: 0.02
init_bite: 0.01
============ PLOTTING ========================
plot_normals: false
plot_samples false
plot_candidates: false
plot_filtered_candidates: false
plot_valid_grasps: false
plot_clustered_grasps: false
plot_selected_grasps: false
============ CLOUD PREPROCESSING =============
voxelize: true
voxel_size: 0.003
remove_outliers: false
workspace: -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 
sample_above_plane: false
normals_radius: 0.030
refine_normals_k: 0
============ CANDIDATE GENERATION ============
num_samples: 50
num_threads: 4
nn_radius: 0.01
hand axes: 2 
num_orientations: 8
num_finger_placements: 10
deepen_hand: true
friction_coeff: 20.00
min_viable: 6
============ GRASP IMAGE GEOMETRY ===============
volume width: 0.1
volume depth: 0.06
volume height: 0.02
image_size: 60
image_num_channels: 15
NET SETUP runtime: 0.127566
============ CLASSIFIER ======================
weights_file: /home/gurnarok/ros/elfin_ws/src/deep_graps_data/gpd/models/lenet/15channels/params/
batch_size: 1
============ CANDIDATE FILTERING =============
candidate_workspace: -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 
min_aperture: 0.0000
max_aperture: 0.8500
============ CLUSTERING ======================
min_inliers: 1

[ INFO] [1613989695.908669583, 513.974000000]: Loading task parameters
[ INFO] [1613989695.915808056, 513.981000000]: Initializing task pipeline
[ INFO] [1613989695.921427137, 513.987000000]: Loading robot model 'samk_schunk'...
[ INFO] [1613989695.921460541, 513.987000000]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[ WARN] [1613989696.167087345, 514.231000000]: IK plugin for group 'elfin_arm' relies on deprecated API. Please implement initialize(RobotModel, ...).
[ INFO] [1613989696.184782469, 514.248000000]: Waiting for connection to grasp generation action server...
[ INFO] [1613989696.396441958, 514.460000000]: Connected to server
[ INFO] [1613989696.396569623, 514.460000000]: Start searching for task solutions
[ INFO] [1613989696.417564204, 514.481000000]: Initializing OMPL interface using ROS parameters
[ INFO] [1613989696.439053448, 514.502000000]: Using planning interface 'OMPL'
[ INFO] [1613989696.442164573, 514.505000000]: Param 'default_workspace_bounds' was not set. Using default value: 10
[ INFO] [1613989696.442601963, 514.506000000]: Param 'start_state_max_bounds_error' was not set. Using default value: 0.05
[ INFO] [1613989696.442827283, 514.506000000]: Param 'start_state_max_dt' was not set. Using default value: 0.5
[ INFO] [1613989696.443092781, 514.506000000]: Param 'start_state_max_dt' was not set. Using default value: 0.5
[ INFO] [1613989696.443421290, 514.507000000]: Param 'jiggle_fraction' was not set. Using default value: 0.02
[ INFO] [1613989696.443698830, 514.507000000]: Param 'max_sampling_attempts' was not set. Using default value: 100
[ INFO] [1613989696.443744406, 514.507000000]: Using planning request adapter 'Add Time Parameterization'
[ INFO] [1613989696.443759929, 514.507000000]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Workspace Bounds'
[ INFO] [1613989696.443776344, 514.507000000]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Start State Bounds'
[ INFO] [1613989696.443793044, 514.507000000]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Start State In Collision'
[ INFO] [1613989696.443809312, 514.507000000]: Using planning request adapter 'Fix Start State Path Constraints'
[ INFO] [1613989697.160658139, 515.215000000]: Planner configuration 'schunk_gripper' will use planner 'geometric::RRTConnect'. Additional configuration parameters will be set when the planner is constructed.
[ INFO] [1613989697.160968005, 515.215000000]: RRTConnect: Starting planning with 1 states already in datastructure
[ INFO] [1613989697.171452366, 515.225000000]: RRTConnect: Created 5 states (2 start + 3 goal)
[ INFO] [1613989697.171496738, 515.225000000]: Solution found in 0.010594 seconds
[ INFO] [1613989697.172704912, 515.227000000]: SimpleSetup: Path simplification took 0.001119 seconds and changed from 4 to 2 states
[ INFO] [1613989697.172927733, 515.227000000]: Goal sent to server: generate_grasps
[ INFO] [1613989697.173017799, 515.227000000]: New goal accepted: generate_grasps
Processing cloud with 11570 points.
[ INFO] [1613989697.173059815, 515.227000000]: Generate grasp goal now active
Voxelized cloud: 3998
Calculating surface normals ...
num_threads: 4
 runtime(computeNormals): 0.0754
camera: 0, #indices: 3998, #normals: 3998 
Calculated 3998 surface normals in 0.0786s (mode: OpenMP).
Reversing direction of normals that do not point to at least one camera ...
 reversed 0 normals
 runtime (reverse normals): 0.0130079
Estimating local reference frames ...
Estimated 50 frames in 0.0074s.
Finding hand poses ...
Found 50 hand sets in 6.54s
====> HAND SEARCH TIME: 6.54338
Generated 50 hand sets.
Filtering grasps outside of workspace ...
Number of grasp candidates within workspace and gripper width: 400
Number of grasp candidates with correct approach direction: 400
neighborhoods search time: 0.0857
Created 400 images in 14.5774s
Selecting the 100 highest scoring grasps ...
 grasp #0, score: 1342.3416
 grasp #1, score: 1313.3417
 grasp #2, score: 1286.0966
 grasp #3, score: 1251.4309
 grasp #4, score: 1235.2803
 grasp #5, score: 1227.5620
 grasp #6, score: 1194.9106
 grasp #7, score: 1170.2570
 grasp #8, score: 1149.0598
 grasp #9, score: 1143.4897
 grasp #10, score: 1136.8074
 grasp #11, score: 1125.7454
 grasp #12, score: 1124.6219
 grasp #13, score: 1124.4762
 grasp #14, score: 1122.1636
 grasp #15, score: 1111.3950
 grasp #16, score: 1108.0422
 grasp #17, score: 1102.3003
 grasp #18, score: 1101.0830
 grasp #19, score: 1087.6951
 grasp #20, score: 1080.0173
 grasp #21, score: 1076.2720
 grasp #22, score: 1072.8706
 grasp #23, score: 1069.9060
 grasp #24, score: 1059.0283
 grasp #25, score: 1048.1443
 grasp #26, score: 1045.6389
 grasp #27, score: 1042.0859
 grasp #28, score: 1038.0491
 grasp #29, score: 1033.8835
 grasp #30, score: 1031.3025
 grasp #31, score: 1028.0469
 grasp #32, score: 1021.7517
 grasp #33, score: 1021.6817
 grasp #34, score: 1014.9775
 grasp #35, score: 1014.5544
 grasp #36, score: 1001.4622
 grasp #37, score: 1000.5222
 grasp #38, score: 984.3713
 grasp #39, score: 984.3048
 grasp #40, score: 980.1732
 grasp #41, score: 979.4586
 grasp #42, score: 978.1815
 grasp #43, score: 975.5223
 grasp #44, score: 973.6229
 grasp #45, score: 969.8428
 grasp #46, score: 967.5494
 grasp #47, score: 966.2043
 grasp #48, score: 966.0681
 grasp #49, score: 961.3572
 grasp #50, score: 951.8958
 grasp #51, score: 949.2314
 grasp #52, score: 936.2978
 grasp #53, score: 932.8766
 grasp #54, score: 932.7523
 grasp #55, score: 929.1198
 grasp #56, score: 928.0275
 grasp #57, score: 926.7357
 grasp #58, score: 925.8193
 grasp #59, score: 925.6099
 grasp #60, score: 923.1766
 grasp #61, score: 920.3751
 grasp #62, score: 918.4742
 grasp #63, score: 917.1666
 grasp #64, score: 914.5510
 grasp #65, score: 912.0790
 grasp #66, score: 910.4354
 grasp #67, score: 910.3622
 grasp #68, score: 910.0328
 grasp #69, score: 908.4257
 grasp #70, score: 905.9755
 grasp #71, score: 898.2123
 grasp #72, score: 892.4194
 grasp #73, score: 887.8302
 grasp #74, score: 887.1883
 grasp #75, score: 871.8124
 grasp #76, score: 866.4572
 grasp #77, score: 866.2410
 grasp #78, score: 864.7794
 grasp #79, score: 864.1263
 grasp #80, score: 847.8315
 grasp #81, score: 840.8709
 grasp #82, score: 840.3623
 grasp #83, score: 838.9421
 grasp #84, score: 835.0414
 grasp #85, score: 811.4476
 grasp #86, score: 808.6755
 grasp #87, score: 808.5413
 grasp #88, score: 790.6054
 grasp #89, score: 771.3461
 grasp #90, score: 762.9165
 grasp #91, score: 759.6810
 grasp #92, score: 745.6823
 grasp #93, score: 745.0148
 grasp #94, score: 710.3637
 grasp #95, score: 693.2603
 grasp #96, score: 686.4240
 grasp #97, score: 682.8793
 grasp #98, score: 664.1002
 grasp #99, score: 659.6472
grasp 0, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0027, mean: 918.9381, STD: 113.4739, conf_int: (856.6177, 981.2585)
grasp 1, inliers: 9, ||position_delta||: 0.0206, mean: 904.6191, STD: 136.6500, conf_int: (787.2822, 1021.9559)
grasp 2, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0046, mean: 986.3222, STD: 110.7024, conf_int: (919.1071, 1053.5372)
grasp 3, inliers: 16, ||position_delta||: 0.0011, mean: 999.9957, STD: 111.1578, conf_int: (928.4100, 1071.5813)
grasp 4, inliers: 12, ||position_delta||: 0.0019, mean: 1041.7755, STD: 114.2810, conf_int: (956.7930, 1126.7579)
grasp 5, inliers: 16, ||position_delta||: 0.0164, mean: 945.1289, STD: 120.7630, conf_int: (867.3575, 1022.9003)
grasp 7, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0106, mean: 1007.8524, STD: 124.5199, conf_int: (932.2478, 1083.4570)
grasp 8, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0048, mean: 1001.5733, STD: 119.9698, conf_int: (935.6853, 1067.4613)
grasp 9, inliers: 16, ||position_delta||: 0.0172, mean: 946.8743, STD: 164.7799, conf_int: (840.7560, 1052.9925)
grasp 10, inliers: 24, ||position_delta||: 0.0018, mean: 991.7140, STD: 151.8866, conf_int: (911.8484, 1071.5796)
grasp 11, inliers: 4, ||position_delta||: 0.0220, mean: 934.5538, STD: 135.1736, conf_int: (760.4502, 1108.6574)
grasp 12, inliers: 12, ||position_delta||: 0.0025, mean: 1050.9970, STD: 124.5933, conf_int: (958.3460, 1143.6480)
grasp 13, inliers: 5, ||position_delta||: 0.0052, mean: 951.3865, STD: 68.5834, conf_int: (872.3768, 1030.3961)
grasp 14, inliers: 6, ||position_delta||: 0.0072, mean: 1071.0378, STD: 110.9945, conf_int: (954.3108, 1187.7649)
grasp 15, inliers: 3, ||position_delta||: 0.0081, mean: 1025.4278, STD: 89.7082, conf_int: (892.0089, 1158.8467)
grasp 16, inliers: 25, ||position_delta||: 0.0045, mean: 1010.6128, STD: 128.7119, conf_int: (944.3004, 1076.9252)
grasp 17, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0069, mean: 1014.5255, STD: 122.5560, conf_int: (943.9319, 1085.1191)
grasp 18, inliers: 8, ||position_delta||: 0.0046, mean: 1050.0173, STD: 140.3619, conf_int: (922.1822, 1177.8523)
grasp 19, inliers: 23, ||position_delta||: 0.0039, mean: 1011.5463, STD: 102.1846, conf_int: (956.6596, 1066.4330)
grasp 20, inliers: 17, ||position_delta||: 0.0028, mean: 1006.9410, STD: 127.6752, conf_int: (927.1732, 1086.7089)
grasp 21, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0060, mean: 943.7878, STD: 100.3343, conf_int: (888.6837, 998.8919)
grasp 22, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0038, mean: 960.5492, STD: 154.6501, conf_int: (871.4690, 1049.6293)
grasp 23, inliers: 8, ||position_delta||: 0.0288, mean: 929.6413, STD: 128.8285, conf_int: (812.3103, 1046.9723)
grasp 24, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0176, mean: 962.4827, STD: 151.5434, conf_int: (870.4702, 1054.4951)
grasp 25, inliers: 6, ||position_delta||: 0.0088, mean: 1008.9194, STD: 99.7028, conf_int: (904.0671, 1113.7716)
grasp 26, inliers: 26, ||position_delta||: 0.0027, mean: 960.8318, STD: 150.3603, conf_int: (884.8705, 1036.7931)
grasp 27, inliers: 24, ||position_delta||: 0.0031, mean: 970.3526, STD: 140.4250, conf_int: (896.5138, 1044.1914)
grasp 28, inliers: 7, ||position_delta||: 0.0292, mean: 846.9954, STD: 92.4800, conf_int: (756.9535, 937.0373)
grasp 29, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0180, mean: 947.6483, STD: 134.8247, conf_int: (865.7869, 1029.5096)
grasp 30, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0089, mean: 983.3480, STD: 136.7929, conf_int: (900.2916, 1066.4044)
grasp 31, inliers: 26, ||position_delta||: 0.0014, mean: 966.3056, STD: 135.0182, conf_int: (898.0951, 1034.5162)
grasp 32, inliers: 21, ||position_delta||: 0.0047, mean: 913.9489, STD: 139.7277, conf_int: (835.4038, 992.4939)
grasp 33, inliers: 29, ||position_delta||: 0.0077, mean: 959.0468, STD: 147.7000, conf_int: (888.3944, 1029.6993)
grasp 34, inliers: 12, ||position_delta||: 0.0209, mean: 1027.7570, STD: 165.5236, conf_int: (904.6691, 1150.8449)
grasp 35, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0195, mean: 985.6828, STD: 135.7694, conf_int: (903.2479, 1068.1178)
grasp 36, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0023, mean: 928.5494, STD: 143.5419, conf_int: (849.7155, 1007.3833)
grasp 37, inliers: 26, ||position_delta||: 0.0109, mean: 959.9571, STD: 152.2707, conf_int: (883.0307, 1036.8836)
grasp 38, inliers: 10, ||position_delta||: 0.0139, mean: 980.0873, STD: 164.6299, conf_int: (845.9794, 1114.1953)
grasp 39, inliers: 15, ||position_delta||: 0.0081, mean: 920.8742, STD: 181.3784, conf_int: (800.2358, 1041.5127)
grasp 40, inliers: 17, ||position_delta||: 0.0176, mean: 892.3902, STD: 91.0638, conf_int: (835.4961, 949.2842)
grasp 41, inliers: 8, ||position_delta||: 0.0100, mean: 938.5207, STD: 160.8024, conf_int: (792.0693, 1084.9720)
grasp 42, inliers: 23, ||position_delta||: 0.0035, mean: 931.1929, STD: 141.0201, conf_int: (855.4463, 1006.9394)
grasp 43, inliers: 15, ||position_delta||: 0.0134, mean: 1008.7256, STD: 139.0494, conf_int: (916.2410, 1101.2102)
grasp 44, inliers: 25, ||position_delta||: 0.0024, mean: 983.3446, STD: 126.0215, conf_int: (918.4184, 1048.2709)
grasp 45, inliers: 26, ||position_delta||: 0.0060, mean: 929.9355, STD: 142.2920, conf_int: (858.0503, 1001.8208)
grasp 46, inliers: 26, ||position_delta||: 0.0036, mean: 956.1070, STD: 156.3882, conf_int: (877.1004, 1035.1136)
grasp 47, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0023, mean: 931.6012, STD: 97.0072, conf_int: (875.7239, 987.4784)
grasp 48, inliers: 21, ||position_delta||: 0.0117, mean: 931.7861, STD: 141.3208, conf_int: (852.3456, 1011.2267)
grasp 49, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0066, mean: 1003.6681, STD: 130.3393, conf_int: (924.5302, 1082.8061)
grasp 50, inliers: 26, ||position_delta||: 0.0024, mean: 968.0755, STD: 138.1017, conf_int: (898.3072, 1037.8438)
grasp 51, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0056, mean: 1006.2607, STD: 123.8005, conf_int: (934.9503, 1077.5712)
grasp 52, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0024, mean: 927.9018, STD: 108.4548, conf_int: (865.4306, 990.3729)
grasp 53, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0034, mean: 998.2210, STD: 146.3837, conf_int: (913.9024, 1082.5396)
grasp 54, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0085, mean: 1025.7262, STD: 130.0978, conf_int: (954.2759, 1097.1766)
grasp 55, inliers: 13, ||position_delta||: 0.0121, mean: 931.6847, STD: 129.9520, conf_int: (838.8400, 1024.5294)
grasp 56, inliers: 3, ||position_delta||: 0.0052, mean: 1038.5553, STD: 103.6914, conf_int: (884.3398, 1192.7709)
grasp 57, inliers: 12, ||position_delta||: 0.0223, mean: 967.8560, STD: 151.5628, conf_int: (855.1498, 1080.5621)
grasp 58, inliers: 6, ||position_delta||: 0.0205, mean: 1152.4328, STD: 66.1246, conf_int: (1082.8930, 1221.9726)
grasp 59, inliers: 7, ||position_delta||: 0.0108, mean: 853.2332, STD: 105.3139, conf_int: (750.6957, 955.7707)
grasp 60, inliers: 10, ||position_delta||: 0.0303, mean: 920.3039, STD: 133.7267, conf_int: (811.3698, 1029.2380)
grasp 61, inliers: 9, ||position_delta||: 0.0275, mean: 1070.1578, STD: 126.1563, conf_int: (961.8316, 1178.4841)
grasp 62, inliers: 16, ||position_delta||: 0.0107, mean: 1030.7567, STD: 147.2349, conf_int: (935.9374, 1125.5760)
grasp 63, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0042, mean: 1002.1904, STD: 157.5920, conf_int: (911.4156, 1092.9652)
grasp 64, inliers: 19, ||position_delta||: 0.0090, mean: 977.2279, STD: 168.4810, conf_int: (877.6599, 1076.7960)
grasp 65, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0042, mean: 919.3896, STD: 135.7722, conf_int: (841.1833, 997.5959)
grasp 66, inliers: 15, ||position_delta||: 0.0219, mean: 945.0622, STD: 145.7418, conf_int: (848.1264, 1041.9980)
grasp 67, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0021, mean: 998.0332, STD: 123.1291, conf_int: (930.4101, 1065.6563)
grasp 68, inliers: 8, ||position_delta||: 0.0048, mean: 923.8680, STD: 94.7477, conf_int: (837.5761, 1010.1598)
grasp 69, inliers: 11, ||position_delta||: 0.0157, mean: 920.5975, STD: 159.7844, conf_int: (796.4941, 1044.7010)
grasp 70, inliers: 14, ||position_delta||: 0.0109, mean: 977.6011, STD: 114.6462, conf_int: (898.6712, 1056.5310)
grasp 71, inliers: 10, ||position_delta||: 0.0155, mean: 945.3906, STD: 172.7301, conf_int: (804.6843, 1086.0970)
grasp 72, inliers: 2, ||position_delta||: 0.0198, mean: 1014.5552, STD: 86.5278, conf_int: (856.9443, 1172.1662)
grasp 73, inliers: 17, ||position_delta||: 0.0201, mean: 1031.5371, STD: 132.8325, conf_int: (948.5471, 1114.5271)
grasp 74, inliers: 10, ||position_delta||: 0.0049, mean: 930.8868, STD: 164.9689, conf_int: (796.5027, 1065.2709)
grasp 75, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0166, mean: 984.1361, STD: 139.5544, conf_int: (903.7513, 1064.5210)
grasp 76, inliers: 9, ||position_delta||: 0.0112, mean: 982.8797, STD: 166.4858, conf_int: (839.9239, 1125.8355)
grasp 77, inliers: 8, ||position_delta||: 0.0196, mean: 1009.5669, STD: 96.9756, conf_int: (921.2460, 1097.8878)
grasp 78, inliers: 24, ||position_delta||: 0.0022, mean: 942.1969, STD: 127.7536, conf_int: (875.0210, 1009.3728)
grasp 79, inliers: 16, ||position_delta||: 0.0108, mean: 1025.7653, STD: 144.4774, conf_int: (932.7219, 1118.8088)
grasp 80, inliers: 11, ||position_delta||: 0.0104, mean: 983.5448, STD: 124.1144, conf_int: (887.1460, 1079.9436)
grasp 81, inliers: 19, ||position_delta||: 0.0150, mean: 959.3453, STD: 161.3290, conf_int: (864.0039, 1054.6867)
grasp 82, inliers: 21, ||position_delta||: 0.0062, mean: 942.8148, STD: 140.3324, conf_int: (863.9298, 1021.6997)
grasp 83, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0195, mean: 927.6315, STD: 108.4434, conf_int: (861.7880, 993.4750)
grasp 84, inliers: 25, ||position_delta||: 0.0028, mean: 956.1002, STD: 132.6748, conf_int: (887.7461, 1024.4542)
grasp 85, inliers: 3, ||position_delta||: 0.0196, mean: 868.0517, STD: 42.9642, conf_int: (804.1531, 931.9504)
grasp 86, inliers: 23, ||position_delta||: 0.0064, mean: 943.1141, STD: 129.3769, conf_int: (873.6215, 1012.6067)
grasp 87, inliers: 4, ||position_delta||: 0.0042, mean: 893.2824, STD: 55.3651, conf_int: (821.9722, 964.5926)
grasp 88, inliers: 18, ||position_delta||: 0.0167, mean: 965.0107, STD: 138.1213, conf_int: (881.1477, 1048.8737)
grasp 89, inliers: 4, ||position_delta||: 0.0138, mean: 869.8987, STD: 124.5080, conf_int: (709.5324, 1030.2649)
grasp 90, inliers: 21, ||position_delta||: 0.0154, mean: 967.8020, STD: 121.9979, conf_int: (899.2234, 1036.3806)
grasp 91, inliers: 19, ||position_delta||: 0.0143, mean: 934.7910, STD: 103.6261, conf_int: (873.5506, 996.0314)
grasp 92, inliers: 21, ||position_delta||: 0.0034, mean: 943.2228, STD: 101.0375, conf_int: (886.4267, 1000.0190)
grasp 93, inliers: 15, ||position_delta||: 0.0195, mean: 951.8067, STD: 105.8174, conf_int: (881.4254, 1022.1880)
grasp 94, inliers: 5, ||position_delta||: 0.0202, mean: 998.1676, STD: 88.5319, conf_int: (896.1769, 1100.1582)
grasp 95, inliers: 22, ||position_delta||: 0.0027, mean: 948.4418, STD: 133.5645, conf_int: (875.0875, 1021.7961)
grasp 96, inliers: 20, ||position_delta||: 0.0016, mean: 999.5039, STD: 109.8069, conf_int: (936.2539, 1062.7538)
grasp 97, inliers: 9, ||position_delta||: 0.0216, mean: 995.4306, STD: 130.7656, conf_int: (883.1466, 1107.7147)
grasp 99, inliers: 19, ||position_delta||: 0.0114, mean: 968.9502, STD: 145.0335, conf_int: (883.2391, 1054.6614)
Found 98 clusters.
======== Selected grasps ========
Grasp 0: 1082.89
Grasp 1: 961.832
Grasp 2: 958.346
Grasp 3: 956.793
Grasp 4: 956.66
Grasp 5: 954.311
Grasp 6: 954.276
Grasp 7: 948.547
Grasp 8: 944.3
Grasp 9: 943.932
Grasp 10: 936.254
Grasp 11: 935.937
Grasp 12: 935.685
Grasp 13: 934.95
Grasp 14: 932.722
Grasp 15: 932.248
Grasp 16: 930.41
Grasp 17: 928.41
Grasp 18: 927.173
Grasp 19: 924.53
Grasp 20: 922.182
Grasp 21: 921.246
Grasp 22: 919.107
Grasp 23: 918.418
Grasp 24: 916.241
Grasp 25: 913.902
Grasp 26: 911.848
Grasp 27: 911.416
Grasp 28: 904.669
Grasp 29: 904.067
Grasp 30: 903.751
Grasp 31: 903.248
Grasp 32: 900.292
Grasp 33: 899.223
Grasp 34: 898.671
Grasp 35: 898.307
Grasp 36: 898.095
Grasp 37: 896.514
Grasp 38: 896.177
Grasp 39: 892.009
Grasp 40: 888.684
Grasp 41: 888.394
Grasp 42: 887.746
Grasp 43: 887.146
Grasp 44: 886.427
Grasp 45: 884.871
Grasp 46: 884.34
Grasp 47: 883.239
Grasp 48: 883.147
Grasp 49: 883.031
Grasp 50: 881.425
Grasp 51: 881.148
Grasp 52: 877.66
Grasp 53: 877.1
Grasp 54: 875.724
Grasp 55: 875.087
Grasp 56: 875.021
Grasp 57: 873.621
Grasp 58: 873.551
Grasp 59: 872.377
Grasp 60: 871.469
Grasp 61: 870.47
Grasp 62: 867.358
Grasp 63: 865.787
Grasp 64: 865.431
Grasp 65: 864.004
Grasp 66: 863.93
Grasp 67: 861.788
Grasp 68: 858.05
Grasp 69: 856.944
Grasp 70: 856.618
Grasp 71: 855.446
Grasp 72: 855.15
Grasp 73: 852.346
Grasp 74: 849.715
Grasp 75: 848.126
Grasp 76: 845.979
Grasp 77: 841.183
Grasp 78: 840.756
Grasp 79: 839.924
Grasp 80: 838.84
Grasp 81: 837.576
Grasp 82: 835.496
Grasp 83: 835.404
Grasp 84: 821.972
Grasp 85: 812.31
Grasp 86: 811.37
Grasp 87: 804.684
Grasp 88: 804.153
Grasp 89: 800.236
Grasp 90: 796.503
Grasp 91: 796.494
Grasp 92: 792.069
Grasp 93: 787.282
Grasp 94: 760.45
Grasp 95: 756.954
Grasp 96: 750.696
Grasp 97: 709.532
Selected the 98 best grasps.
======== RUNTIMES ========
 1. Candidate generation: 6.5435s
 2. Descriptor extraction: 14.5775s
 3. Classification: 33.4446s
 TOTAL: 54.6607s
[ INFO] [1613989752.040978607, 563.541000000]: Found grasp candidates (result): success
[ INFO] [1613989752.041024708, 563.541000000]: Grasp generated feedback received 98 candidates: 
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Property 'group': undefined
in stage 'close hand': declared, but undefined, inherits from parent
in stage 'pick object': defined here
[mtc_tutorial-1] process has died [pid 22213, exit code -6, cmd /home/gurnarok/ros/elfin_ws/devel/lib/deep_grasp_task/deep_grasp_demo __name:=mtc_tutorial __log:=/home/gurnarok/.ros/log/58d9f2f4-74f7-11eb-81f2-509a4c51286d/mtc_tutorial-1.log].
log file: /home/gurnarok/.ros/log/58d9f2f4-74f7-11eb-81f2-509a4c51286d/mtc_tutorial-1*.log

What could be causing this?

gurnarok commented 3 years ago

This seems to be fixed in #1, so closing this topic.