PicolSigns / PICOL-font

A font of all PICOL icons made with fontello
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Fixed Unicode Entities for Upgrades #1

Open lonjame opened 10 years ago

lonjame commented 10 years ago

What I recognized is, that if I switch between the old and the new one. It would be great if we find a way that each icon has a fixed unicode number. Otherwise the users will see another icon when they update to a new version. I think that´s impossible with fontello. I will try with fontforge. Maybe there is a solution for that. And I think it´s cool if the filename is versioned like the icon realease 1.1 and so on.

gubi commented 10 years ago

Ok, I understood the problem: on Fontello I've re-upload all icons with the computer's alphabetical order. This generates the remapping of unicode membership... Will solve simply adding icons instead of maintains the order.

Also I think that may join (major) icons with congenial character, for example:

Character Icon Preview
y or a or v accept accept icon
x cancel cancel icon
c copy copy icon
C cut cut icon
e controls eject controls eject icon
< controls play back controls play back icon
> controls play controls play icon
« controls rewind controls rewind icon
» controls fast forward controls fast forward icon

...and so on...

* Please note that previews are generated directly by the Generator ;)

No problem for font release in filename and in metadata.

lonjame commented 10 years ago

I think it´s not possible to give each icon a logic key. Now it´s in the unicode area "Private Use Area". I think for the font it´s better to append the new icons at the end of the old one´s like you suggested before "Will solve simply adding icons instead of maintains the order." But I don´t know if that´s possible.