Picolab / devtools

Repository for KRL Developer Tools
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Parent pico logic #128

Open burdettadam opened 7 years ago

burdettadam commented 7 years ago

devtools currently uses the returned error string from pci list parent function as logic to whether a pico is a child or not. Wrangler would like to handle that error by setting status to false and returning an empty array. devtools needs to have its logic changed to handle this. Devtools should have a function to do this so there wont be so much copy paste logic. this update will need to coincide with wranglers error handling update to prevent down time. steps to success. -create isParent function that returns true when pico is a parent and false otherwise, and depeands on wrangler corrected empty array return for parent check. -track down all logic for parent pico check and replace with isParent. -pull request with note to update wrangler. -update wrangler.

windley commented 7 years ago

Is setting status to false the right thing to do? Does status indicate the presence of en error or something else? And if something else, what?

If it indeed represents an error, then status ought to be true when there are no parents unless there was a true error. It's not an error to have no parent.