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Put the pico name in the title bar (or under it) #91

Closed windley closed 8 years ago

windley commented 8 years ago

You can get lost and not know what pico you're looking at.

earlyprogrammer commented 8 years ago

PicoNavigator now saves a name on pico navigation, have discussed with Nick possible ways to display it, now transferring.

earlyprogrammer commented 8 years ago

devtools-api.js line PicoNavigator.setName() happens before wrangler.js has time to save the defaultECI, so we get an eci not defined error when refreshing before any pico navigation happens. I don't believe this is fixable with the current wrangler.js, so maybe try putting a 5 second timeout around the setName command to give wrangler.js time to save the defaultECI.

AngelSassin commented 8 years ago

The current solution is to place a banner underneath the header. A working display of the pico name has been implemented, but before I commit anything, is the display fine?

uploads/21c58897-4db8-4fa9-8945-7206f065a06b/Screen Shot 2016-05-05 at 4.57.31 PM.png

windley commented 8 years ago

Looks good. instead of “Current Pico:” let’s say “Viewing:”

On May 5, 2016, at 4:59 PM, Nicholas Angell notifications@github.com wrote:

The current solution is to place a banner underneath the header. A working display of the pico name has been implemented, but before I commit anything, is the display fine?

https://camo.githubusercontent.com/4cd711d42030cc3fc8fd83294dc8e6e97aa06de9/68747470733a2f2f73332d75732d776573742d322e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f70726f642e6875626f6172642e636f6d2f75706c6f61647325324632316335383839372d346462382d346661392d383934352d37323036663036356130366225324653637265656e2b53686f742b323031362d30352d30352b61742b342e35372e33312b504d2e706e67 — You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/kre/devtools/issues/91#issuecomment-217304298

AngelSassin commented 8 years ago

The change has been made and committed. It is currently functional. After reloading the page, it should appear after 5 seconds, because of the 5 second timeout mentioned earlier.

AngelSassin commented 8 years ago

I see no further issues with it, closing.