Picolab / pico-pods

Linking picos to Solid pods
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Write Design Document for pico-engine pod library #7

Open windley opened 5 months ago

windley commented 5 months ago

Write a design document for the pod module within the following parameters:

  1. State the goal. Describe the problem.
  2. List your assumptions
  3. Design and describe how the pod will be identified and how the pico will be authenticated
  4. Design and describe the functions needed to query the pod and the pod server
  5. Design and describe the actions needed to make changes to the pod server.
  6. Describe what isn't included and why.

Design document should be fewer than 5 pages (not counting appendices)

Be sure your design includes a function that rulesets can call to know if there is a pod server running or not. The module should not interfere with engine operation if not pod server is associated with the engine and all operations should fail gracefully (error) if called when no pod server is present.

windley commented 5 months ago

Do this as a group.

windley commented 5 months ago

Use the user stories here to guide your design. https://picolabs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/2460811281/Picos+and+Pods

windley commented 5 months ago

Make sure you list any assumptions up front Be sure to be wary of one-way doors.