Pie115 / CS179RTS

Space themed RTS Game
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add command ship support for weapon upgrade #26

Closed seanxpw closed 3 months ago

seanxpw commented 3 months ago


Content/BluePrints/Utilities/BP_UtilityLibrary.uasset add a return value EnemiesWithinRange for function Find Nearest Enemy . now it can return an array of all enemies within range. image

NOT IMPORTANT create child blueprint for missiles. Child BPs handles the material, missile spawn location and MissileDamage. image

Add sockets on command ship mesh Content/Meshes/CommandShip/collision/CommandShipCollision.uasset in order to make life easier for assigning missile spawn location. image

Content/BluePrints/CommandShip/BPCommandShip.uasset when attck level reaches 3, launch secondaries. image add a upgrade event (draft, will be implement as interface later) image