Pie115 / CS179RTS

Space themed RTS Game
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Sean/command ship navigation #40

Closed seanxpw closed 3 months ago

seanxpw commented 3 months ago

A lot of things. fix issue #32

Please install the plug-in before testing. https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/c533ad0234c540fb81bdfa7bd55d3514?sessionInvalidated=true https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j3NQCgR5H0Uz8qd1RfNvZPzvJEcxNIapOkz0MESesWY/edit image Only added in AttackTestMap

Support at most 6 ships, offstes hardcoded in a map, in BP_PlayerControler image

To further smoothen the turning, I add a spline component, but in that case, the actor does not move around the map, but the mesh. there was a very werid bug if i use set actor locaion. when the actor location changes, the spline it self changes too, making it unable to guide the ship movement. image

drastically changed the CommandShipMovement Logic, movement guided by spline instead of timeline image image

Modified PlayerControler Content/Core/Player/BPPlayerController.uasset chenged for loop into a funciton image

seanxpw commented 3 months ago

add some z offsets image