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Research: Check robot (US-3) #106

Open LuongDangDoanh opened 2 months ago

LuongDangDoanh commented 2 months ago

Use reCAPCHA by google provide There are 2 main reCAPCHA verson: V3 and V2

tientran1234 commented 1 month ago

These are the steps to create captcha code: step 1: you should access to :https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create to create dashboard for app +add your domain to google connect with your app

This flow:

tientran1234 commented 1 month ago

the differences between the methods: 1. Using the GoogleReCaptcha Component: Features: -Approach: Used as a regular React component -useEffect Hook: The GoogleReCaptcha component wraps around the useGoogleReCaptcha hook and uses useEffect to run the verification. -onVerify Prop: The onVerify function is called when verification is successful. -refreshReCaptcha Prop: Allows you to force reCaptcha to revalidate, for example, using a timestamp. Advantages: -Simple and easy to use if you are familiar with React components.No need to manually check if reCaptcha has loaded. Disadvantages: -Inline functions in the onVerify prop can cause infinite loops. 2. Using the useGoogleReCaptcha Hook features: -Approach: Uses a React hook to perform reCaptcha verification. -useGoogleReCaptcha Hook: Returns the executeRecaptcha function for calling verification. -Manual Check: You need to check if executeRecaptcha has loaded successfully. Advantages: -More flexible, allowing precise control over when reCaptcha verification occurs. -Suitable for scenarios where verification is needed in different events (e.g., button click, form submission). Disadvantages: -Requires you to handle the loading state of reCaptcha manually. -Requires understanding of React hooks. 3. Using the withGoogleReCaptcha HOC: features: -Approach: Uses a Higher Order Component (HOC) to wrap your component. -googleReCaptchaProps Prop: Injects the executeRecaptcha function into the wrapped component. Advantages: -Easy to use if you are familiar with HOCs in React. -Separates reCaptcha logic from the main component logic. Disadvantages: -HOC might be deprecated in future versions of the library. -Less flexible compared to hooks, especially in complex applications.

Summary GoogleReCaptcha Component: Ideal for simple use cases and easy integration, but be cautious with inline functions. useGoogleReCaptcha Hook: More flexible and suitable for complex applications, but requires manual loading state management. withGoogleReCaptcha HOC: Good for separating reCaptcha logic, but potentially less flexible and might be deprecated.

tientran1234 commented 1 month ago

Demo: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RB9Xvz6l18fZVYZPJrYyvZWlZ06PWHvX?usp=share_link