Piero24 / TelegramBot-AmazonOffers

Receive alerts for the most irresistible Amazon offers straight to your Telegram, courtesy of our bot.
Apache License 2.0
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Problems with the DigitalOcean droplet #6

Closed zird0t closed 3 weeks ago

zird0t commented 4 weeks ago


I'm having some trouble starting the bot on the DigitalOcean droplet on ubuntu 20.04.

I cloned the git, checked that the Amazon keys, bot keys and channel ID are correct. Ran sudo docker build -t amazon-bot-offers . Ran sudo docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon-bot-offers

In the photo you can see the error generated:


Thank you!

Piero24 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @zird0t The error should be very simple. I think you forgot to rename the files.

As you can see here and here In the first few lines you need to rename the files from api_keys_template.py into api_keys.py and settings_template.py into settings.py.

zird0t commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Piero, thanks for the reply.

I'm sorry, I should have read more carefully. I think everything is ok. Now, when I browse IPADDRESS:8000 I see the web page.

Can I do a manual test to see if everything is working correctly? Or should I just wait for the bot to upload an offer to the channel?

Piero24 commented 3 weeks ago

No problem @zird0t, glad it’s working now. However, currently, there is no testing system in place, but it should work. In case of issues, you should check the log files in the log folder. This will help identify any errors if it doesn’t work.

At most, you can do some tests by running the code normally without Docker, temporarily removing the if statement that checks for dates, times, and holidays in the bot_starer.py.