Pierre-Sassoulas / django-survey

A django survey app that can export results as CSV or PDF using your native language.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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The random feature #153

Closed rickabiz closed 2 years ago

rickabiz commented 2 years ago

When I set question options to content it works fine but if I set the option as random or none it shows the error bellow in browser.

Cannot resolve keyword 'random' into field. Choices are: content, correct, id, question, question_id

Pierre-Sassoulas commented 2 years ago

Hello, could you be more specific, where are you setting the option ?

rickabiz commented 2 years ago

Thanks for replay... In mcq app admin

Your code


ANSWER_ORDER_OPTIONS = ( ('content', 'Content'),

NOT WORKING('none', 'None'),

#NOT WORKING('random', 'Random'),


class MCQQuestion(Question):

answer_order = models.CharField(
    max_length=30, null=True, blank=True,
    help_text="A ordem na qual escolha múltipla \
                 opções de resposta são exibidas \
                 para o usuário",
    verbose_name="Ordem de resposta")

def check_if_correct(self, guess):
    answer = Answer.objects.get(id=guess)

    if answer.correct is True:
        return True
        return False

def order_answers(self, queryset):
    if self.answer_order == 'content':
        return queryset.order_by('content')

    if self.answer_order == 'random':
        return queryset.order_by('random')
    if self.answer_order == 'none':
        return queryset.order_by('None')
def get_answers(self):
    return self.order_answers(Answer.objects.filter(question=self))

def get_answers_list(self):
    return [(answer.id, answer.content) for answer in self.order_answers(Answer.objects.filter(question=self))]

def answer_choice_to_string(self, guess):
    return Answer.objects.get(id=guess).content

class Meta:
    verbose_name = "Questionário"
    verbose_name_plural = "Questionários"

class Answer(models.Model): question = models.ForeignKey(MCQQuestion, verbose_name='Question', on_delete=models.CASCADE)

content = models.CharField(max_length=1000,
                           help_text="Digite o texto de resposta que \
                                         você quer exibir",

correct = models.BooleanField(blank=False,
                              help_text="Esta é a resposta correta?",

def __str__(self):
    return self.content

class Meta:
    verbose_name = "Pergunta"
    verbose_name_plural = "Perguntas"

Thank you so much for replay

Ricardo - SP/Brazil

Pierre-Sassoulas commented 2 years ago

Sorry I don't think I understand the question, it seems it's about code unrelated to the survey app itself, it seems the code come from a modifed survey app called "mcq" ?

rickabiz commented 2 years ago

upssss my mistake... This question was related to another app, my sincerely apologizes and thank you in have answered to me.

My question to you is if there is a way to the generate an output table of answers at the end only if the user has this privilege on a group of users eg, administrators.

Best regards and I'm sorry my mistake again! :-)

Pierre-Sassoulas commented 2 years ago

No problem :)

Right now it's possible to download a PDF report generated with LaTeX summarizing the survey with pie diagram (this is configurable in the admin).