PierreBSC / Viral-Track

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Processing error #16

Closed zuta-osa77 closed 3 years ago

zuta-osa77 commented 3 years ago


I am testing VT and getting through the STAR alignment stages fine but running into what appear to be issues with doPar parallelizing R filtration of the 'viral bams'. As context, I only aligned to one viral reference (ie the index was host + single viral reference). I'm copying below the stdout and stderr for the entire Rscript call to Viral_Track_scanning.R. Any thoughts?

Also, given that I have gone through alignment and creation of the chromosome specific bams, is there a way to comment out some code in the scan to restart at the failure point (instead of redoing alignment again and again every time something downstream fails)?

Thanks! zuta

Loading of the libraries.... ... done ! 1 Fastq files are going to be processed ! 
Mapping MIME23_700X3_8_R2_001_extracted.trimmed_2.fastq file 
Jan 25 07:46:26 ..... started STAR run
Jan 25 07:46:26 ..... loading genome
Jan 25 07:46:42 ..... started 1st pass mapping
Jan 25 08:29:38 ..... finished 1st pass mapping
Jan 25 08:29:39 ..... inserting junctions into the genome indices
Jan 25 08:32:55 ..... started mapping
Jan 25 09:24:04 ..... finished mapping
Jan 25 09:24:10 ..... started sorting BAM
Jan 25 09:53:24 ..... finished successfully
Mapping ofMIME23_700X3_8_R2_001_extracted.trimmed_2.fastq done ! 
All fastq files have been mapped successfully 
Starting the BAM file analysis 
Indexing of the bam file for MIME23_700X3_8_R2_001_extracted.trimmed_2 is done 
Computing stat file for the bam file for MIME23_700X3_8_R2_001_extracted.trimmed_2 is done 
Checking the mapping quality of each virus... 
Export of the viral SAM file done for MIME23_700X3_8_R2_001_extracted.trimmed_2 

Warning message:
Output directory does not exist ! Creating it ! 
Error in unserialize(socklist[[n]]) : error reading from connection
Calls: %dopar% ... recvOneData -> recvOneData.SOCKcluster -> unserialize
Execution halted
PierreBSC commented 3 years ago

Hi Zuta,

Thank you a lot for your interest in Viral-Track ! Indeed it really seems that the parallelisation complitely failed during the QC generation step ... Could you tell me :

During the development of Viral-Track I usually put a comment character on line :



zuta-osa77 commented 3 years ago

hi Pierre,

Before answering these I just checked the viral bam, found < 50 reads had aligned, and then just concatenated the R2 10X fastq files and ran kallisto quant on the viral index and found nearly the same result. It looks as though I have a poor signal generally so I'm going to tackle that prob;em first. But thanks for getting back to me -- I really think this tool will be useful when the virus is actually infecting the cell (as opposed to be circulating in eg plasma/serum).

best zo

PierreBSC commented 3 years ago

Hi Zuta,

No problem ! Good luck with your experiment then :) I will close the issue and you can open a new one if needed later !