PierrickLozach / CCCRequestsForm

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Create backend tests #18

Closed PierrickLozach closed 4 years ago

PierrickLozach commented 4 years ago

How to generate implicit grant tokens for tests?

PierrickLozach commented 4 years ago

How to enforce code coverage: https://dev.to/bcoe/enforce-javascript-code-coverage-with-github-actions-36lg

Only 5 tests work on my side btw (those without a checkbox failed):

Setting up tests, please wait...
    1) should get all requests for EMEA region
    2) should get all requests for NA region
    3) should get all requests for LATAM region
    4) should get all requests for APAC region
    5) should get all requests for all regions
    √ should fail to get requests without region
    √ should fail to get requests without token
    √ should fail to get requests with invalid token (134ms)

  create and update Requests
    6) should create a new request
    7) should update request
    8) should validate single request after update

  remove object from database
    9) should remove request from database

  Dashboard Tests
    10) should get dashboard data
    √ should not get dashboard data without valid token (125ms)
    11) should export to csv 
    √ should not export to csv without valid token (123ms)