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Findings and Results of Procedure Testing and Heuristic Evaluation #60

Open mitchbid opened 3 years ago

mitchbid commented 3 years ago

Heuristic Evaluation

  1. Features liked:

    • Add, un add, and Wishlist buttons are good. Don't think we need any more
    • Like the add and (private) option notebook feature
    • Like the add event and option to click on classes for calendar/ planner feature
    • Like the drop down menu for CRN's
    • Like the indicator for days of the week the class is available. (Although this might be unnecessary since a user can just add the class and see the time and day class occurs visually on the calendar)
    • Wishlist feature is great! Very useful for user to add multiple classes at once instead of individually adding them.
  2. Features not needed or need to change:

    • Wishlist drop down menu should be changed to a pop up window. This adds more information to the interface and might overwhelm user.
    • Some information about the classes seemed to not be as important to a user if they already knew what classes they were going to take before using this. This information includes: amount of people taking course, location, description, college. (Maybe location is important if it can be compared to another classes location to see how long it would take to get to that other class).
  3. Bugs in website that need to be fixed (These might have already been fixed since testing took place!):

    • When adding a note the note isn't visibly added until user reloads page
    • Some courses don't show CRN numbers and/ or cannot be added to Wishlist and calendar.
  4. Features we might want to add

    • Add in a warning message to the user when there is a time conflict between classes added to schedule.
    • Add some type of a ranking system and or search bar to notes section.
    • Add a section/ icon/ button that notifies users about comments made on created notes or when more notes are created.
William-An commented 3 years ago

Do a little reformatting, no sure if this is okay @mitchbid but you can revert it back if you don’t like this. Also btw, are you familiar with markdown syntax? It is used in the GitHub issue for formatting and very easy to use: guide of markdown

mitchbid commented 3 years ago

Thank you! That looks a lot better and I know a little bit about markdown syntax. I'll look at the link you sent me. OK now i see what happened... I just started learning GitHub and didn't know you needed to use markdown syntax for this. I'll be sure to use it in the future!