PikaMug / Quests

Easy-to-use, open-source plugin for the creation and execution of quests on Minecraft servers.
MIT License
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No translation of item names #2104

Closed chelminski closed 1 year ago

chelminski commented 1 year ago

Where else have you looked for answers to this question?

Hi ;) Reply to a closed thread: https://github.com/PikaMug/Quests/issues/2103

To reproduce the problem:

The quest consisted of delivering 64 pieces of wood to the NPC

1) The first error I see is that in the case of the default config, part of the text is in Polish and part in English. When I automatically try to confirm a quest in English, a message pops up asking me to choose "Tak" or "Nie". https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l7BnFrYbtWQwE3vPAoIWg1tN5BVxgAZX/view?usp=sharing - video

2) The second thing is items are not displayed in their native language. I changed the config so that instead of the default "en-US" it was "pl-PL". Also after changing the language force for the player, some subtitles started to show up in English by default. (f.e. "Challenge Objectives!") https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KH6pcpNaY-xdiQq8z3Whco2ZtTvVQNK-/view?usp=sharing - video

Share your question with as much detail as possible.


accept-timeout: 20 allow-command-questing: true allow-command-quests-with-npcs: false allow-pranks: true clickable-prompts: true condition-interval: 10 confirm-abandon: true confirm-accept: true console-logging: 2 disable-command-feedback: false generate-files-on-join: true give-journal-item: false ignore-locked-quests: false kill-delay: 600 language: pl-PL language-override-client: true max-quests: 0 npc-effects: enabled: true new-quest: note redo-quest: heart show-completed-objectives: true show-requirements: true show-titles: true storage-data: address: localhost:3306 database: minecraft username: root password: '' tableprefix: quests pool-settings: max-pool-size: 10 min-idle: 10 max-lifetime: 1800000 keepalive-time: 0 connection-timeout: 5000 properties: useUnicode: true characterEncoding: utf8 storage-method: player-data: yaml strict-player-movement: 0 top-limit: 150 trial-save: false translate-names: true translate-subcommands: false update-check: true

No matter what I change in config, it still doesn't work. What may be the problem?

PikaMug commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #2103 (also wrong template)