Pike / archived-roadmap

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unify testing infrastructure between elmo and pontoon #35

Open Pike opened 7 years ago

Pike commented 7 years ago

Elmo uses django-nose, nose, and a testsuiterunner based on django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner.

The base testcase is django.test.TestCase.

@mathjazz, what does pontoon use?

jotes commented 7 years ago

Hi @Pike I'm sorry if I'm overstepping but I was just around: Pontoon currently uses the very same test-stack:


All tests use our customized TestCase which bases on django.test.TestCase https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/blob/master/pontoon/base/tests/__init__.py#L42

Our current test runner is django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner https://github.com/mozilla/pontoon/blob/master/pontoon/settings/base.py#L466 You can run tests via a command:

./manage.py test

And there's a working travis-ci integration: https://travis-ci.org/mozilla/pontoon.