Pikrass / timescripts

Collection of greasemonkey/tampermonkey scripts for the One True Thread
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[spoiler detector] changes to xkcd.com/1190 #12

Open XonqNopp opened 11 years ago

XonqNopp commented 11 years ago

I do not know if it is a bug or a feature... But if I open a spoiler detector (for example http://fora.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=101043#p3301860 ) it opens it and directly redirects me to xkcd.com/1190

Pikrass commented 11 years ago

It's because that particular image was also made to be a link to the comic. Look at the markup. The image was spoilered but the link is still there. I could probably look for that in the code and remove the link, but it's not really prioritary (I suppose it's the only one with a link).

XonqNopp commented 11 years ago

Ah OK. But thus I think the image should be spoilered with the link, meaning that clicking on the spoiler detector button unspoilers the image, then clicking on the image directs to the link... But I agree, not prioritary.